> Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 00:19:33 -0500
> From: Brian Milani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Green Alternatives to the MAI
> A new essay on alternatives to globalization and possible grassroots
> strategy:
>               A Green Perspective on the MAI:
>                 Beyond Globalization:
>               The Struggle to Redefine Wealth
> By Brian Milani, of the Eco-Materials Group, and Toronto's Metro 
> Labour Education Centre, it is available on the EMG's Green Economics 
> website at:
>                 http://www.web.net/~bmilani/MAI.htm
> >From the introduction:
>         "Globalization is not simply increasing exploitation, 
>         inequality and injustice, but it is suppressing great 
>         and growing POTENTIALS for human development.  Until 
>         the opposition to globalization puts equal emphasis on 
>         these positive potentials, it is doomed to failure.  
>         The alternative to globalism is not the old industrial 
>         Welfare State, but something completely  new---more 
>         participatory, egalitarian, ecological, self-regulatory, 
>         and grounded in a radically different, more QUALITATIVE, 
>         notion of wealth."
> It is almost 7000 words, or 20 typewritten pages, and includes the
> following subsections:
>         *Globalization and Crisis
>         *Consumption and Planning
>         *Quality and the Industrialization of Culture
>         *Globalizing Waste
>         *Countering Globalization: The Strategy of Design
>         *Green Industry and Resource-Productivity
>         *Money, End-Use and the New Wealth
>         *Eco-Regulation and the MAI
>         *Regeneration vs. the MAI
> Any and all feedback and discussion is welcome.
> Brian Milani
> ECO-MATERIALS GROUP     "Information for Regeneration"
>     EMG Homepage      http://www.web.net/~emg
>     Green Economics Website     http://www.web.net/~bmilani

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