> From: "Carl H.A. Dassbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Late capitalism?
> Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 11:24:01 -0500

> Some may recall that Mandel, writing in the 1970's, characterized the period
> since the end of World War II as "Late Capitalism."
> I was wondering if this is still an accurate characterization? Has anyone
> seen some other characterizations?  What would come after "Late
> Capitalism"?  -
> "Senescent Capitalism," "Post-Modern Capitalism," "Post-Industrial
> Capitalism," "Post-Fordist Capitalism," "Fujitsuism"?

My view: Mandel coined this phrase in the belief that the system was
one world war away from its demise, hence late in its own history.
Therefore this term is still valid, and certain political and cultural 
characteristics emerging strongly in the past 10-15 years suggest only 
the addition of a qualifier to Mandel's image.

My entry: Late Roman Capitalism.
No, I don't know who the Vandals will be.

   "The market is the invisible censor in capitalist society."

      -- Dr Gail Dines, Wheelock College (Boston), 
         commenting on the universal availability of hard porn in America   


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