On Thu, March 12, 1998 at 07:44:34 (-0800) Michael Perelman writes:
>Interesting data.  Why would the Canadian and U.S. banks be so much more
>successful in increasing their profitability?

I have a further question: how do you make the leap from profitability
to the size of the stakes purchased, as Mark does?  What about the
possibility that the percentage and amount of US govt/commercial
bonds in the various portfolios varied wildly?

If we rank the various countries by commercial bank profitability
90-94, we get Canada, US, UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, France:

    Canada             12.1
    United States       8.5
    United Kingdom      4.9
    Germany             2.7
    Japan               1.5
    France             -3.3
    Italy              -1.2

Is it really true therefore that US commercial banks purchased less US
govt/commercial paper than Canadian banks during this period?

Mark's claim that "the major purchaser of US govt. and commercial
bonds was not Germany or Japan - but the United Kingdom" is not only
wrong by his criteria (Mark probably meant to say "relative to Japan
and Germany"), but it also seems a dubious leap.  If I were given a
table as Mark provided and asked to draw conclusions from it, I would
not, in my ignorance, conclude anything about the relative size of
purchases (holdings?) of US govt/commercial paper.

Enlightenment welcomed.


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