There are different meanings to the word "materialism" Please clearify what you


Louis Proyect wrote:

> Carrol Cox:
> >with any precision in *Poverty of Philosophy*; and (b) most of what I
> >would think of as historical materialism can be defended independently of
> >any particular view (pro or con or neutral) of the "dialectics of nature."
> Actually Marx was fully involved with the editing of Engels' "Dialectics of
> Nature" and wrote a chapter himself, according to John Bellamy Foster in
> "Marx's Ecology". One of the things that this book will do is open up a
> discussion about the role of materialism in Marx's thought. In the
> introduction John explains that Lukacs played a major role in delinking the
> scientific investigations from the rest of Marx's thought in order to
> privilege the notion of a purely social based materialism keyed to praxis.
> The Frankfurt School developed this notion in a more extreme fashion. Not
> only did they drop the materialism, they dispensed with the praxis as well.
> The concern with ecological questions has sort of forced a re-examination
> of the role of materialism, with people like John and Paul Burkett making
> an effort to place it back into its proper context. Then you have people,
> many of whom contribute to CNS, who see things in a Lukacs or Frankfurt
> context. For example, only 4 years ago Joel Kovel wrote a lengthy piece in
> CNS that argued that Marxism is weak on ecological questions because it
> lacks a spiritual dimension.
> Louis Proyect
> (The Marxism mailing list:

Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
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