To whom...,

        PBS in New York has had a show on recently called "Surviving the
Bottom Line".  It is squarely reformist liberalism, but there were a few
things that I took note of.  First, all violent commie radicals must be
warned:  hands off Al Dunlap!  This man is not to be harmed by any
socialist because he is perhaps the most hideous living example of
capitalist ideology living today.  He must be preserved as an inspiration. 
Leaving aside what the man does, what he says is so offensive that he
inspires socialistic tendencies in mere liberals. 

        Equally offensive but more interesting were two other CEO's who
exclaimed that capitalism as currently practised cannot last.  Lucent's
chief decried concentration of wealth.  Northwest Airlines' chief actually
said that 'Capitalism needs a bill of rights" in order for it to survive.
As the kids say" "Things that make you go Hmmmm."

        Holland was then trotted out as a place where capitalism does come
with a bill of rights.  Jaded as I am, I have to admit that what was said
about Holland intrigued me.  It didn't intrigue me as an answer to
anybody's problems per se, but I was curious how deep the social
commitment in Holland goes, how well it is actually doing economically and
how it is positioned to survive the new Euro Europe.  So, I thought I'd
ask the experts (that's all of you, as far as I'm concerned) while I try
and dig something up.


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