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Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 16:38:39 EDT

Regarding where to send funds for support of Mumia Abu-Jamal and the Equal
Justice situation.

What follows is a letter from Mumia naming the two places he has authorized to
raise funds for him.


If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask

Susan Burnett
International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Secretary to Mumia Abu-Jamal
203-847-6721 (Norwalk, CT)

October 3, 1996

Long Live John Africa's Revolution!

Dear Brothers, Sisters, Friends and Supporters:

Ona Move!

As we embark on the latest season of resistance, I am compelled, by
circumstance, to write the following to you.

We have grown, and are still growing, by leaps and bounds, and by so doing, we
have spread the seeds of resistance far and wide!

That is a very good thing, evidenced by the hard and heroic work of many good
folks, many of whom are reading this very letter.

Good work y'all!  I thank alla y'all!

It ain't been easy with an enemy this greasy; people have been beaten and
busted from Vermont to Minnesota; from Philly to Frisco!  Some of us have
learned first-hand, the bitter lessons of the "law" of the outlaw, the
system's attacks on so-called "free" people, who only dared to try to speak
freely.  Dig this:  if you gotta fight for it, get beaten, lied on and
judicially spat on for practicing it, then it ain’t free is it?

Has it ever been?

Also not free is my lawyers.

We been blessed to have so able and committed a team, led by the brilliant
Leonard Weinglass, Esq., who joined when this movement could hardly fill a

Len and Co. have fought hard, with meager resources, against the state.

Legal fundraising has primarily been done by the International concerned
Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal (through the Black United Fund) and the
Committee to Save Mumia Abu-Jamal (through the Bill of Rights Foundation, New
York City), who, for the most part, have made sure our lawyers had the vital
resources needed to pay investigators, to serve subpoenas, to hire experts--in
short, to fight in a court of unprecedented hostility and unbridled petulance.

The Juristic Journal, American Lawyer, (December 1995) wrote, of our recent
PCRA hearing, the following on the nature of the court, "Judge Sabo flaunted
his bias, oozing partiality toward the prosecution and crudely seeking to
bully Weinglass, whose courtroom conduct was as correct as Sabo's was crass."
We are in a fight, y'all.

There have been many who have fought with their feet, their pens, or with
their paint brushes--some have fought with their prayers--all valuable in this
battle, and each deeply appreciated by my family1 my friends and myself.  I
thank you all.

To those who have helped, (or who want to help) in the courtroom batt1es
please accept my thanks for working with the groups mentioned above.

Send contributions for legal defense payable to
Black United Fund/Mumia Abu-Jamal (earmarked Legal Defense)
mail to:
Black United Fund,
2227 N. Broad Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19132;
Bill of Rights Foundation (earmarked "Mumia Abu-Jamal Legal Defense")
mail to:
Committee to Save Mumia Abu-Jamal,
163 Amsterdam Avenue,
No. 115, New York, NY 10023-5001.

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