> At 01:26 24/06/98 -0400, you wrote:
> >This response from Mumia's attorney to a NYT ad surveys the deficiencies
> >of the state's case for killing Mumia and provides a basis for
> >understanding a demand for Mumia's immediate release.
> >
> >Paul Zarembka
> ______________
> What can a person like me, who is not a citizen and does not live in the
> US, do, apart from donating money? I haven't send any money yet either,
> because sending check in foreign currency would probably be not acceptable.
> Any ideas? ajit

You can obtain information on the case from Susan Burnett, International
Concerned Families and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Secretary to Mumia
Abu-Jamal. She sends out periodic announcements (as well as brief columns
by Mumia himself) to all who put themselves on her mailing list. 

You can also get addresses from her for donations of money. There have
been large demonstrations around the world, and I presume Defense
Committees exist in many areas. In any case Susan Burnett could provide
information on how funds could be sent.

In the past I donated through Equal Justice USA, but on the basis of
recent information I have decided not to send contributions there.  I no
longer have the relevant posts from Ona Move in my mailbox, but perhaps
someone else on the list could forward them or you could obtain them from

Carrol Cox

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