How would you assess him?

To give you the background, in the case that Beverly Enterprises has filed
against Kate Bronfenbrenner, a noted labor researcher, Beverly has requested
all her research and wants it to be examined by these two economists to
determine whether her methodology is appropriate and executed properly. To
me it seems odd that they'd pick someone in a different field to assess
methodology. At trial they could be pilloried and even found not to be
experts with regard to the subject.

And of course I'm suspicious about the sorts of people Beverly woudl choose.

BTW, thanks for putting (I hope) a stop to the quibbling. I hate this macho
need to put others down and not act in a helpful, cooperative spirit that
tries to make common cause. A lot of people on this list are now on
virtually auto-delete for me now as a result of their behaviour.



-----Original Message-----
From: michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, May 23, 1998 10:37 AM
Subject: [PEN-L:205] Re: experts

>I don't know of Vandenberg.  Here are some articles by Lee:
>Atlas Shrugged Brings Economics to Life
>AU:  Allen,-Candace-A.; Lee,-Dwight-R.
>SO:  Journal-of-Private-Enterprise; 10(1), Summer 1994, pages 79-91.
>AI:  No
>AN:  0370174
>I:  Vouchers--The Key to Meaningful Reform
>AU:  Lee,-Dwight-R.
>SO:  Gormley,-William-T., Jr., ed. Privatization and its alternatives. La
>Follette Public Policy Series, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press,
>pages 39-54.
>TI:  Local Education Reform and the Global Economy
>AU:  Lee,-Dwight-R.
>SO:  Libecap,-Gary-D., ed. The education and quality of the American labor
>force. Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic
>Growth, vol. 5, Greenwich, Conn. and London: JAI Press, 1991, pages 167-81.
>Ellen Dannin wrote:
>> Is anyone on Pen-L familiar with these two economists?
>> Dwight Lee and Robert Vandenberg from the Econ dept at the University of
>> Georgia
>> They are being advanced as experts in a trial. Their role is supposed to
>> to examine the work of a labor researcher -- essentially using social
>> science methodology -- and determine whether the methodology used was
>> Would these two be appropriate for such a role?
>> Thanks,
>> Ellen
>> Ellen J. Dannin
>> California Western School of Law
>> 225 Cedar Street
>> San Diego, CA  92116
>> (619) 525-1449
>> FAX: (619) 696-9999
>Michael Perelman
>Economics Department
>California State University
>Chico, CA 95929
>Tel. 530-898-5321

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