At 07:59 25/05/98 +0000, Eric Nilsson wrote:
>Ricardo Duchesne wrote,
>    > Neoclassical economics (and much of marxist economics, I would 
>    > add) is still positivistic in that they both accept the 
>    >empiricist-analytical presuppositions of the natural sciences
>    >without reflection.
>The largest part of marxist, and other heterodox, economists
>are mired in one of two perspectives:
>    1-What they do is "obviously" true--based on casual empirical
>        observation--and what others do is obviously mere 
>        "ideology" (with a small 'i'), defined crudely as lies,
>        because these others deny the self-evident facts.
>    2-Everything is a paradigm or research program and,
>       so, "empirical facts" cannot be understood apart from
>       the paradigm. Paradigms/research programs cannot
>       justify themselves, therefore, by external empirical 
>      evidence as such things do not exist.  Indeed, in this
>      second perspective all uses  of empirical "evidence" to
>      confront the claims of a paradigm are rejected: those 
>      who insist on doing such things "just don't get it" and 
>      are to be looked upon with pity.
>I think both of the above represent silliness. There are much more 
>sophisticated ways to go about thinking about the relationship 
>between "facts" and "theory."

Could you please elaborate? I do agree with most of what you say above.
Cheers, ajit sinha
>Eric Nilsson
>Economics Department
>San Bernardino, CA 92407

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