Gerry, there is nothing to defend. Those who know me (which you do not, and
never will) know the utter, laughable absurdity of calling me homophobic. As
for Paul Zarembka, whether or not he is a long-time, long-respected listee I
know not; he like you almost never contributes to the list, except to flame



Gerald Levy wrote:

> Mark Jones wrote:
> > Michael has repeatedly asked for this absurd flaming to stop. Is it not
> > time to DO something to stop it?
> The day before Mark Jones wrote (to Paul Zarembka):
> > This (i.e. those arresting Paul Z, JL) would be the men in flapping
> > white costs, presumably.
> Is this what you had in mind by "absurd flaming"? Did you want Michael to
> condemn you for that slur against long-time and long-respected pen-l
> member Paul Z? That would have been nice. Instead, Michael threatened Paul
> and myself. Why? Because we think that solidarity is something more
> than a slogan. We think that solidarity and opposition to homopobia,
> cop-baiting, etc. extends to pen-l as well. Michael thinks that there are
> so many other "more important" topics to discuss. What is more important
> than solidarity?
> Jerry
> PS1: Let us remember that Michael himself initiated this discussion when
> he asked for feedback on the performance of pen-l. In my original post I
> mentioned no one by name. Louis P chose to respond to that honest attempt
> of mine to answer Michael's questions with a bunch of personal insults and
> libelous accusations. Michael did not respond to that flame. Indeed, I
> would say that Michael has acted very one-sidedly in this whole affair.
> I (and others) had expected better from you, Michael.
> PS2: Note well that Jones has not denied making his absurd, homophopic,
> and cop-baiting remark about the _New Left Review_. Indeed, he can not
> deny making that remark since it is part of the public archives of the
> m-int list. Nor has he attempted to defend that remark on pen-l. Why not?
> Because there is no defense or excuse for such an outrageous statement.

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