On Wed, 3 Jun 1998, michael perelman wrote:

> The anti-union initiative was defeated, but it cost $11 million.  I am 
> not sure that the result constitutes a victory when it costs so much.

Oh, they would've spent the money on annual conventions or bribes -- 
er, *political contributions* -- to lupine Demublican/Republocrats or some
other horrible boondoggle. At least this way unions are finally starting
to spend money on their activists and community outreach; it's just a
short step from that to more money for organizing proper.

Up here in Oregon, we've got one of the "Clones of 226" on our state
ballot for November, and we union folks are not just going after what we
like to call the Paycheck Perversion Act, we're also trying to get some
campaign finance reform bills put on the ballot -- playing offense to
support the defense.

-- Dennis

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