> I was impressed by the level of discussion regarding l'affaire Bhodi.  I
> might have also mentioned I was offended e personally a few weeks ago
> while pen-l was having technical problems.  Mostly, when you have
> problems with pen-l, I try to do what I can to fix it within the limits
> of my ability.  Most people are very appreciative, but our friend
> berated me for giving him bad service.  If I had the Hitler power (that
> Ajit suggests that I have) or the Hitler personality, I would have
> probably acted immediately.
> --
> Michael Perelman

My point was theoretical, and the criticism was of Lou P. Not you 
Michael. Not at all! And i think Lou P. has also received enough 
criticism. So it's time we move on, and get on with business. 
Cheers, ajit sinha

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