>Now, everyone has limits on how far individual choice is permitted.  Some
>would limit pornography, cannibis, tobacco, alcohol, prostitution, leaf
>blowers, etc.  These discussions usually occur is the framework of
>questions of morality.  I am only suggesting that we frame these questions
>in a political context.
> --
>Michael Perelman
>Economics Department
>California State University
>Chico, CA 95929

With cigarettes, it would seem that the political context is close at hand.
My understanding is that tobacco has been until very recently and maybe
still the most highly subsidized agricultural product. In addition, the US
has periodically used its trade policies to force other countries to import
certain quotas of US cigarettes in exchange for trade agreements.


Ellen J. Dannin
California Western School of Law
225 Cedar Street
San Diego, CA  92116
(619) 525-1449
FAX: (619) 696-9999

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