To whom..,

        Now we can laugh at farmers who use hoes because they don't use
discers, integrated pest management, and no-till farming.  We can laugh at
them because they are wasting their time and breaking their backs for
nothing.  We can laugh at them because they are trying to make a living
with hand agriculture when people with a thousand acres of prime winter
wheat land and all the machinery available to husbandry can't make a
lining.  It won't be very happy laughter, or very kind, or even humane,
but it will be laughter at something pointless. There is no excuse for
living in the dark ages (except that you are being kept in them). 
Fertilizer use does not negate composting. Fertilizer is not some evil
"chemical" - it's nitrogen, phosphate and minerals.  It's completely
stupid to try and somehow equate "chemical" fertilizer with pesticide or

        Get a grip.  


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