>I think a number of comments made by other comrades with respect to Ellen's
>prognosis of the utility of copyright are wonderful. Above all they
illustrate the
>authors' commitment to seeing that true human creativity (not pseudo
creativity a
>la its exchange-value) be realised. But despite various attacks on the
>of private property and the state, which were brilliantly (if implicitly)
>textualised, the messages - for the most part - fail to invalidate the
basis on
>which Ellen's entire argument rests, namely that: "The purpose of the
>and patent laws is to encourage invention and creativity...[as] no one
>bother inventing or writing if they didn't get a return and [could not]
>the use made of the products of their imagination [i.e. by others; for the
>of profit - G.S.]" (Dannin, 5 Aug 1998 09:29:12)
>While I accede to Doug's argument that so long as we live under capital we
>do otherwise, it would seem the problem is more grave; even more grave than
>Ellen's inability to part with private property and the state that's
committed to
>its protection.

Actually, I don't have an argument as to private property or the state or
the place of copyright within it. All I have done is set some basic points
about how copyright operates and to suggest that in this real world - not
the one after the revolution - someone real - i.e. the listowner - may have
to pay the price if the law is violated. In my opinion, he should be the one
who decides if he wants to pay it and if we want to use the list we should
accede to his wishes. If we don't want to deal with the practical and want
to flaunt the laws, we should start our own lists and be the ones to suffer
the consequences of our acts.

Also, in this real world many people do make a living because of the
copyright laws, Doug Henwood for example. If he had to have a day job
because he couldn't earn a living from his writing, he might not have the
energy left over to write or the time to do so.

For those who have an ability now "to part with private property" please
post address and phone number of your unlocked home to the list, along with
your credit card number, expiration date and exact way your name appears on
the card and bank account numbers. Also, would you please leave your
unlocked, un-alarmed cars with the keys in the ignition and the registration
in the glove box.

Much thanks. I'm eager to see the metal hit the road.

Ellen Dannin

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