Devine notes:

>>The [Washington Post] runs a fine Walter Pincus story inside on a woefully
>underreported topic, that of U.S. military sales to foreign governments. It
>seems that the current Pentagon budget has created a perverse incentive:
>the more surplus ships are sold overseas, the more extra weapons the
>Pentagon can purchase. Under the arrangement, the DOD gets an additional
>$600 million in goodies while near-state-of-the-art ships are going to
>sworn enemies Turkey (14 vessels) and Greece (11). <
>This, plus the similar incentives in the Drug War, suggest that the
>government is sliding toward being capitalist in its day-to-day practices
>(rather than simply its committment). 

Yup.  And since Helms had a deadlock on State Deaprtment appointments for so
long, and Clinton was devoid of ideas/energy, policy towards latin america
has become a mish mash derivative of drug war/miltary sales/commercial
opening policies.  There IS NO substantive Latin America policy; in it's
place military-to-miltary contacts are filling the void.  Another legacy of
this Democratic administration, I sugest, will be the re-militarization of
latin american politics/society.  In yesterdays' paper, we read president
and former dictator Gen. Banzer just proudly gave the Bolivian military
$860,000 worth of new vehicles to help "combat poverty".  Right.


Tom Kruse / Casilla 5812 / Cochabamba, Bolivia
Tel/Fax: (591-4) 248242

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