Fellow Golden Agers:

A young, rising liberal luminary of the profession, Alan
Krueger, has a column in the Washington Post this past Monday
proposing to index Social Security benefits to wages.

His justifications include:  doing a true cost-of-living
index is too difficult; indexing benefits to wages is fair
because retirees' well-being ought to move in tandem with
that of workers paying into the system; wage indexation
will save money, buck up the trust fund, and reduce the Federal
budget deficit; benefits ought to track current wages because
wages finance benefits.

I was horrified and revolted by these arguments and will be
trying to place a letter to the editor.

My basic points would be:  there is nothing necessarily fair
about tracking benefits to wages; in a social insurance
context, what is fair is relating benefits received to
contributions made, and the latter has nothing whatsoever
to do with wages of those who work during the older worker's
retirement; wage indexation is a regressive formula for reducing
real purchasing power across the board without regard to the
beneficiaries ability to pay this implicit tax; if Social
Security is regarded as either retirement or wage replacement
insurance, then what matters is the purchasing power of the
benefits; if economists cannot devise a reasonable cost-of-living
index they ought to serve Jim Jones Kool-Aid at the next AEA
plenary; there are plenty of other ways to tidy up the trust
fund; and deficit reduction is a crock.

I would be interested in any comments, provided the
word "POMO" does not appear in them.

A copy of this note is posted in PKT.


Max B. Sawicky                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Economic Policy Institute               202-775-8810 (voice)
Ste. 1200                               202-775-0819 (fax)
1660 L Street, NW
Washington, DC  20036

Opinions above do not necessarily represent the views of
anyone associated with EPI.


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