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 In science education the attack is on science itself. The "new"
 (irrational) view of science is that it is subjective, culturally
 determined, no different from non-science, and a useful tool but
 non-explanatory of the universe. This is in contrast to the rational
 view that science is objective, universally valid, different from
 non-science, and explanatory as well as useful.

 Exactly the same "new" view of science was promoted in the 1930=FEs by
 Germany's National socialists (see R. Brady's 1937 The Spirit and
 Structure of German Fascism). This "new" view, then, is not only old
 but is also in agreement with the views of the most backward elements
 of our century. Further, there are direct connections between the
 advocates of non-science today and those of the 1930's. Jacques
 Derrida, leader of post-modernism, calls himself a disciple of Nazi
 philosopher Heidegger and Derrida's own pupil, American Paul de Man,
 was a pro-Nazi journalist in Belgium.

 It is no coincidence that the same four characteristics of science are
 being attacked today as in the 1930's. They are the defining
 characteristics of science, wich make it science. Without them,
 science is reduced to a par with crystal ball gazing as a source of
 knowledge. Further, now anything can be elevated to become "science",
 including creationism, astrology, ESP, chariots of the gods and Nazi
 racial and biological "science".

 What practical purpose might the modern critique of science end up
 accomplishing? Certainly it will not change the actual instrumental
 practice of science under the direction of the ruling class. Modern
 weapons, for example, will still be produced by objective rational
 science. The key purpose served by the current attack on science is
 ideological. First, it negates the value of scientific thinking among
 the people. Second, it gives a scientific veneer and hence credibility
 to whatever strengthens ruling class ideology and politics.

 It is definitely important to keep in mind that the current assault on
 rationality is not only backward but dangerous. After all, it was
 Hitler himself who declared that "We are now at the end of the Age of
 Reason. The intellect has grown aristocratic and has become a disease
 of life."

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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