Forwarded FYI ************************ >I wanted to inform and update you all about what has been happening and >will happen the rest of this week out here in the UC System. We have been >striking! >We are striking to gain recognition, as the UC System currently denies that >we have any collective bargaining rights as we are apprentices. > >The idea was to having roving strikes at three UC Campus over this whole >week. On Monday, the Student Assoc of Graduate Employees (SAGE) at UCLA >began the strike. They will continue to strike the test of the week. If >recognition was not granted by 5:00 PM on Monday the Association of Student >Employees (ASE) at UC San Diego would strike. The UC did not grant >recognition. We began striking yesterday and will continue the rest of the >week. We also gave them a 5:00 PM deadline, which was not met. So today, >Wednesday, UC Berkeley will begin striking and will continue the rest of >the week. > >The academic student employee unions at UC Santa Cruz and UC Santa Barbara >will be doing actions in support of the striking campuses. > >The Chancellor at UCLA has sent a letter to Grad Students at threatening to >fire them if they strike this week. UCLA had about 1,000 show up to picket >on Monday. I haven't about what happened yesterday. > >Here at UCSD the turn-out has not been as great. But the Chancellor is >meeting with a group of students that represent the ASE/UAW on Thursday. >It is the first formal meeting we have had with the University here. We >are having a Big Rally here on campus on Thursday. > >There is a home page that has information about the strike. The address is > > > >If you would like to show your support, you could call the Chancellors on >the three campuses, E-mail them, or fax them. If you want to send E-Mail >to them you could send it to the ASE/UAW account and we will forward it to >the Chancellors. > >The Address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] > >I will post the phone numbers and fax numbers later in the day and try to >keep you all informed about what is happening. > >Thanks for any support you can provide. > >Dan Johnston >ASE/UAW Staff Member >619-454-0170 Blair Sandler [EMAIL PROTECTED]