>> Shawgi writes;

>This does not speak to the point.


>This does not speak to the point either.


>This, too, does not speak to the point.  

The Ticking Bomb!

In a large sal with every seat filled, a Social Democratc Representative 
of parliment met with the unemployed in this Commune in northern Sweden. 
The meeting, and atomsphere of rage and indignation by the very heart of 
the Social Democratic base in the workers movement against its own leaders...

A broad range of young and old, women and men, the grey mass of now over 
1 million (!) people in a population of 8 and a half million who for years 
have supported the Social Democrats are now beginning to move.

Immediately after the parlimentry member made her presentation defending 
the present policies of the Social Democratic government, the fireworks 
started. In a statement made by the author of this article who said that 
the present policies of the Social Democratic goverment are directed 
against the workers movement, and against the trade unions and are 
policies, that they have worked out together with the bosses has put 
the Social Democratc leadership on the other side of the barricades 
with their guns pointed at the head of the working class. There policies 
of attacking the trade union laws of "first in last out", there cuts in 
unemployment, everything they have done is in principle a direct 
declaration of war againt the workers movement.

Against this policy we purpose a 6 hour working day, a mobilisation of 
the working class to combat unemployment. We purpose that trade union 
candidates  be purposed in the coming elections on a program to stop the 
dismantling of the welfare state. We purpose a broad educational program 
to combat the passivity of sitting home on the dole. And these purposals 
are in direct contradiction to the present policies of the Social 
Democratic government. Only a government with these goals in mind 
will do.....

This barrage against the leadership was met by stormy applause in the whole 

Speaker after speaker attacked the leadership for selling out the workers 
movement. For selling out the youth. For throwing women out on unemployment. 
For cutting health care. For cutting in the schools. Speaker after speaker 
in a growing sense of rage attacking the people that they have voted for 
for years!

The Social Democratic leadership tried to counter with that she understood 
all of this ,but that we have to understand that the Social Democrats 
inherited the situation from the previous government.

Speaker after speaker stood up and said it is you who are passing the 
anti-worker and anti-trade union legislation with your partners in the 
bougeois Center Party. (A party which represents the farmers in Sweden and 
who have made billions off the entry into the common market through common 
market subventions to farmers in Europe).

The gap between the Social Democratic top and its working class base as 
never been as large as it is today. Although the conciousness of these 
social democratic workers is on the level of seeing all of the reforms 
being wripped down around them and a million people out of a job. This 
conciousness is economic thinking at this point. There anger is directed 
at the party which they have voted for for years, as being responsible. 
And rightly so!

Although these workers do not understand at present that the leadership 
of there party has deserted them. They do understand what mass unemployment 
and the cuts mean in everyday life for themselves and there families.

These workers do not understand that their leaders have joined the German 
push for a monetary union and a united imperialist bougeoisie led by the 
Germans in europe is the goal. They do not realise that the Social 
Democratic leadership of professional bureaucrats and people who came 
straight out of a college somewhere have taken over the reins of 
leadership. That this leadership in a few short years has taken Sweden 
to the brink of a gigantic disaster of poverty and unemployment.

But they do know that something has gone wrong. Very seriously wrong 
with the politics and the leadership they have voted for. What we have 
here is a broad mass of anger and frustration against the treacherous 
leaders of Social Democray that has betrayed them. They demand answers 
and a new political line which favors the working class. 

For the first time in years militants who before would be laughed at are 
being applauded and clapped on the back. Statements of we should march 
on Stockholm and throw the whole bunch of them out and other wise 
remarks were very common at this meeting.

The Social Democratic leadership no longer has a monopoly on the workers 
movement. Workers are moving to the left as the situation everyday worsens 
for them and the party leadership is moving to the right. The trade union 
leadership feeling the pressure is somewhere in the middle. Afraid to 
slap the hand that has fed them all these years while having to face the 
growing rage of the working class who is suffering the largest cuts 
since the depression!

The left party which is the former Euro-communist party but now say that they 
are no longer communist, but "feminist" and envionmentalist have also missed 
the growing rage of the swedish working class. This turn by the former Euro- 
commmunist was an appeal to the present petty bougois feminist movent and 
bougeois enviornmental movement. But they have no clear answer to the 
millon workers who are growing angry.. Very angry. In fact the workers 
movement at this point is much futher to the left then both its Social 
Democratic and former Euro-communist leadership.

Only a new leadership forged in struggle with this growing army of enraged 
working class people can forge the way forward. On a program to fight for 
the preservation of the welfare state but also a workers government that 
will go forward and crush the Swedish capitalists dreams of a united 
european bourgeoisie.

For a workers government in Sweden as elsewhere is the only garantee of 
keeping the reforms and defeating those that will take us down the road 
of unemployment and starvation..

Warm Regards

Robert Malecki
Member of the Communal Workers Union in Sweden

We organise the most people in Scandinavia!

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