Here is another example of liberal "progressivism" going astary -- a
"progressive" FM station WBAI in NYC (I really like their programming,
though) "going NPR" and becoming a union-busting force.  Enjoy.

wojtek sokolowski

>Return-path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 04:39:46 +0000
>Subject: Pacifica News feeds,Pacifica Management and Union busting
>To: Recipients of conference <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-to: "Conference" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Lines: 66
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John P.McWilliams)
>Subject: Pacifica News feeds,Pacifica Management and Union busting
>>Hello everyone from KBOO.(Portland, Ore.)
>>My name is R. Paul Martin, and I'm the Chief Steward in the Union at
>>WBAI-FM, the New York City station of the Pacifica Network.
>>I've heard that this evening you're going to be considering actions
>>regarding Pacifica and its feeds, and I wanted to assure you that we
>>here at WBAI would greatly appreciate anything you could do to help us
>>to keep Pacifica Management from busting our Union.
>>Both the Paid Staff and the Unpaid Staff here are under attack by
>>Management, which has admitted that it's taking its orders from
>>Pacifica.  As you may know they have brought us (we're a part of the
>>United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, Local 404) to
>>the National Labor Relations Board in an attempt to remove one Paid
>>Staff person and all Unapid Staff from the Collective Bargaining Unit
>>(CBU) at WBAI.  The Unpaid Staff produce about 19 hours of the weekday
>>air and 23 hours of the weekend air on WBAI, and since this is the only
>>product a radio station actually has, we are obviously doing work at the
>>station.  As people who are producing the actual product of the radio
>>station we think we have a right to be represented.  We have been a part
>>of the CBU, and represented by the Union, for the almost 10 years that
>>the Union has existed at WBAI.
>>The Union has gone to the NLRB and filed Unfair Labor Practice charges
>>aginst WBAI Management for their refusal to negotiate in good faith.  At
>>a recent Contract negotiation session Management tried to end the
>>session after only 9 minutes.  They have been using delaying tactics for
>>months in order to avoid actually bargaining with the Union over ther
>>As part of the current Contract negotiations WBAI Management is also
>>demanding a number of economic give backs from the Paid Staff as well as
>>demanding other give backs in areas such as vacations, grievances and
>>child care.
>>In the latest outrage at the station, Management has fired our Chief
>>Engineer, who has worked at the station for about 20 years, on some
>>trumped up charges.  We are filing a grievance on this today, but this
>>is just another part of the Pacifica plan to destroy community radio at
>>WBAI.  It appears that they are going to try to replace him with some
>>Management hire they're going to make.
>>If you could do something that would tell Pacifica Management that
>>people outside of the Pacifica Network care about what's going on and
>>disapprove of what Pacifica is doing it would help to communicate to
>>them the need to stop this Union busting policy.
>>If you want to see more about all of the you can visit my Web site below
>>and view many of the primary documents related to this struggle, which
>>has been going on for a number of months now.
>>In Solidarity,
>>R. Paul Martin
>>Chief Steward, WBAI/UE
>     Short Stories - Empty Shelf
wojtek sokolowski 
institute for policy studies
johns hopkins university
baltimore, md 21218
voice: (410) 516-4056
fax:   (410) 516-8233

|Wenn ich Kultur hoere, entsichere ich meinen Browning.|
|                                         -Hanns Johst | 
|                                                      | 
|When I hear "family values," I reach for my revolver. |
|                        (no apologies to Hanns Johst) |

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