It can be said that this is the point at which a world outlook also begins to develop. This species called homo sapiens did come into being, but it is now at such a stage in its development that it is divided between those who want to play the role inherent to the species, that is, continue the humanization of the social and the natural environments on an uninterrupted basis, and those who want to keep the stage of society as it is, which is extremely destructive to both the social and the natural environments and, most important, destructive to the very role that nature gave to the homo sapiens as a species. Given its inherent role, however, it is not possible to stop the species of homo sapiens from humanizing the natural and the social environments. Taking into consideration the all-round development of the class struggle, it can thus be concluded that the class struggle waged by the working class today leads to the ongoing humanization of the social and natural environments, while the class struggle waged by the capitalist class leads to its opposite, that is, dehumanization. If anyone is to acquire a world outlook, they will have to participate in waging this class struggle, either on the side of the working class or on the side of the capitalist class. There is no middle ground. There is no such thing as acquiring an outlook without waging the class struggle. Formal learning does have its own place, but the decisive and the highest school of learning is the class struggle itself. All the youth, both students and others, ought to participate in politics. They must put politics in the first place. They should be able to correlate to the fact that the capitalist class discourages everyone, especially the youth, from participating in politics. It does so because it knows that if everyone were to participate in politics they would come to the conclusion that it is not necessary to have a superfluous class existing in society as the capitalist class. They will ask for the overthrow of such a class and the system which perpetuates it. However, by compelling them not to be political, the capitalists get the youth to wage a class struggle against their own interests, against the working class, and against the opening of the door for the progress of society. It can be concluded by analyzing concrete conditions that the reason why many youths grope in the dark and have difficulty in acquiring a world outlook is because they do not wage the class struggle or participate in politics, which amounts to the same thing. In a society as exists in the U.S. today and internationally, people do not have a choice whether to participate in politics or not. Nonetheless, the capitalist class demands that they must not participate in politics. The working class, women, youth and students are pressured to leave politics to politicians. How are people to defend their interests if they do not participate in politics? All members of the polity have a duty to that polity to participate in politics. The entire existing political process, however, marginalizes the members of the polity from participating in political affairs. Without the people participating in the political affairs of the country and internationally, they become divided into factions in favor of this or that political party. They begin to participate in politics against their own interests. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]