William S. Lear wrote:

> Anyway, we have RI -> DUI -> DA (Radical Intellectuals produce
> Democratically Useful Information, which will/can lead to Democratic
> Action).  But my little model misses something, RI -> DTM -> DUI ->
> DA, where DTM is the Democratic Transmission Mechanism.  I'm curious,
> being a not-yet-activist-intellectual, which DTMs do folks (activists
> and people) find most (cost) effective?  Radio?  Magazines?  Internet?
> Direct contact and speaking engagements?  It seems TV would be the
> best, but for obvious reasons that's pretty hard.

I have no such confidence in the role of "radical intellectuals" to bring
about change *especially* when those RIs view the line of communication to
the masses as one-way (as above). A preliminary step for activism might be
for the RIs to *listen* to what working people have to say and to
*participate* in their struggles without preaching to them or acting like

> how do we recruit more
> "workers" to join the project?

Perhaps it would be better to humbly join *their* progressive projects
rather than to "recruit" them to your projects.


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