Thad Williamson wrote:

>Does anyone have handy references or the actual data from studies showing
>that students who major in economics or in economics grad programs develop
>personal attitudes that mirror the theory of the rational calculating
>economic actor they are studying?

Robert H. Frank, Thomas Gilovich, and Dennis T Regan, "Does Studying
Economics Inhibit Cooperation?," Journal of Economic Perspectives 7 (1993),
pp. 359-371.

>For an upcoming presentation relevant to pomo stuff, I would like to make
>point that studying postmodernism can lead to self-reinforcing effects on
>outlook to world (despair, depoliticization, etc.) and use the economics
>stuff as parallel.

Have you checked out Terry Eagleton's book Illusions of Postmodernism? A
bit irresponsible, in that he attacks a "mood" rather than any specific
texts, but still entertaining & suggesetive.


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