I want to strongly second Robin's rejection of the phrase "Command and Control."

        This language is crafted and used to denigrate the idea of
REGULATION.  We shouldn't use the phrase command and control.  The
regulation I have observed over the past thirty years certainly was NOT
command and control.

        In the debate over electric regulation it is the utilities and
large energy users who talk of command and control, as a way of eliminating
regulation.  The myth that government forced utilities to build nukes, for
example, is bolstered by the phrase "command and control" -- as if
regulators (acting for the public) forced utilities to build nuclear plants
against their wishes.

        Robin H argued that we shouldn't use it, yet in today's post
Barkley Rosser did.  Let's not use this phrase again.  What's wrong with

        Gene Coyle

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