At 10:44 PM 5/2/98 -0400, Mike Yates wrote:
>>Sayles seems to put the soldiers and the guerillas on the same footing.<<

I didn't find Sayles nearly as critical of the guerillas as of the
military... There was at least some discussion of the motivation of the
guerillas (starvation in the villages, peasants being pushed into wage
slavery) and the truly horrific acts were committed by soldiers.  Anyway,
isn't one of the great tragedies of _some_ rural revolutionary movements, I
think of the SP in Peru most particularly, that they also find themselves
terrorizing elements of the population (whether out of desperation / bad
strategy / or necessity)?

I agree whole-heartedly that the movie was powerful.

Alex Campbell
Assistant to the President, National Center
for Economic and Security Alternatives
2000 P Street, NW
Suite 330
Washington, DC 20036
202 986 1373 (voice)/ 202 986 7938 (fax)

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