Quoth boddhi:
> >     An interesting note:  The first person condemned to die in
> > accordance with the federal "drug kingpins" law is a southern pot
> > grower/seller. 
> too bad, pot doesn't make you go blind the way moonshine does. maggie coleman

Apparently it does if you're a legislator or the trained poodle fuzz that
do his twisted election year bidding.  And this blindness has lasted  
far too long; no one can any longer cop to ignorance about it.
The American people will not remain gutless worms forever; something will
wake them up and they will jump on the asses of these scum all at once.
That day - and those to follow - is all I really live for.

McVeigh is proof positive that it's counterproductive to be too angry.
By bombing the big TV relay tower at Bartlesville (~50 miles north of
Tulsa) instead of killing all those poor innocent kids and clueless
Feddorks, he could have actually delivered the country from its
collective trance for a few hours.  Even a few minutes off that grid 
would make some significant contribution to freedom.

                                                         Occupied America

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