An absolute failure. With particularly negative effects on the economics
dept.  Rabid anti-marxism.  Participated in driving/starving out
tenured faculty (arbitrarily and selectively applying all kinds of arcane
rules), and denying tenure to deserving people (many in both of these
categories had marxist tendencies.).  Despised like few others by the
students in the economics dept.  Took a 'the soviet union collapsed so
marx is no longer relevant' line.  Supported an approach of denying tenure
to everyone but bringing in 'big name' people from outside with tenure, an
approach for which the graduate faculty is still paying dearly.  He was
not alone in his activities, and I'm sure some of this is found elsewhere 
in academia, but I really think he was particularly damaging and rotten.
They didn't publicly can him (that would be admitting their mistake) but
it seems pretty clear he didn't intend to come for 2-3 years.  Embarrased
to have his name on my M.A. diploma.  Fortunately he was gone by the time
I finished.

On Thu, 9 Jul 1998, Doug Henwood wrote:

> Can any New School folks here tell me about Alan Wolfe's tenure there? I'm
> writing something on his awful book, One Nation After All, which is the
> ickiest pile of centrist mush you'd ever want to meet.
> Doug

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