I tried to make this point before, but I probably did not do it very well.  Nove/Pareto
is to some extent correct.  The conservatives/liberals speak of social capital; we 
to class as an important force in determining how someone fits into society.  Remember
Newt suggesting that we give the homeless laptops instead of welfare -- presumably 
with a
wireless connection.  Does a laptop make someone into a white collar consultant?

A while ago, someone mentioned the wonderful film, Burn.  Marlon Brando's character
helped the island to win independence, then asked the leader of the revolution if he
understood the market for sugar futures.  Of course, he did not and the island 
fell into the web of English control.

Social capital/class influences our self-image, our expectations, the way other people
see us.  Winning a lottery does not change all that; nor would redistribution.  Marx
discussed this problem in his brief mention about the difficulty of building socialism
with a people who had been formed under capitalism.

A one time redistribution will not change society any more than a one time election.
Fundamental change is a long term process.

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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