I had written:
>>the US OSHA has been a scam in a lot of ways since it started. Initially,
>>all it did was use the already-existing industry standards for health and
>>safety. It's also always had insufficient staffing. OSHA gets tough in
>>response to pressure, i.e., from unions or lawsuits.

Ellen responds: 
>I think this is in the nature of blaming the victim. OSHA came under fierce
>attack from business groups from its inception and was kept busy fighting
>lawsuit after lawsuit filed by employer groups to strike down the
>regulations - ie revised safety and health standards - it proposed. ..

I wasn't blaming the people who work at OSHA. Rather the point was that
there's a gap between popular perception and reality, where the reality is
the result of all of the various factors that Ellen points to. (The
perception is partly the result of politicians' rhetoric, media coverage,

in pen-l solidarity,


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