"Seth M. Wigderson" wrote:

> --------------------------
> The Cuban Workers Confederation (CTC) and the Instituto de Historia de
> Cuba are pleased to invite researchers, scholars, journalists, trade
> unionists, information specialists, institutions, and organizations to
> participate at the Fourth International Scholar Conference on May Day, to
> be held in La Habana, on April 25, 26 and 27, 2001.
> The purpose of the conference will be to provide analyses and debates on
> workers' role, their past and challenges at present in this early century,
> full of enormous challenges and difficulties to overcome.
> This new conference will take place on the occasion of the 130 Anniversary
> of the proclamation of the Commune of Paris.  During 72 days, the French
> proletariat was the protagonist of events of heroism.  This fact was the
> inspiration for workers' struggles worldwide.  The remembrance and
> analysis of the happening in different countries on this event, therefore,
> will be a matter of attention at the present conference. Themes
>   *     Workers and changes in economic, political and
> social processes, and domestic events as well, which influenced in the
> dynamics of its formation, organization, and development.
>   *     International and domestic organizations and
> movements (trade union, political, recreation, sport, cultural,
> solidarity, and other sort) created by workers.
>   *     Struggles to remove discriminatory treatment against
> women, immigrants and child labor.
>   *     The role of labour class as historic subject of
> social changes; its structure and section distribution; evaluation of its
> living conditions; its psychology; its job; and its leisure time.
>   *     Echo of international events in internal affairs of
> countries, concerning political, ideological, and economic matters of
> workers.
>   *     Neoliberal globalization and its echo in the labour
> movement, in the whole labour world.  And its effects on unemployment,
> wages, working conditions, social welfare, night employment, lack of
> professional qualification, and others.
> Paper Presentations
> Participants should deliver their papers not later than late January 2001.
> Papers should be typed at double space.  If any audio-visual aid is
> required, please specify this.
> Papers should be no longer than fifteen pages.  Presentations should last
> not more than fifteen minutes, plus ten minutes for debate.
> The abstract should be no longer than 200 words, with the following
> structure: title, author full name, and institution of employment,
> business address, and brief curriculum vitae.
> The conference will be structured on the basis of panels, papers,
> conferences, communications, and posters.  The Organizing Committee will
> determine the structure of conferences and panels.  This Committee will
> also analyse proposals of the participants in advance.
> The Organizing Committee will feel grateful extremely grateful to any
> person, institution or mass media that discloses this call.
> The subscription fee will be $40.00 USD for visitors and $30.00 Cuban
> pesos for home participants.  This fee should be endorsed to the
> Organizing Committee.  Payment includes participation at work sessions,
> documentation, attendance certificate, and credentials.  Official
> languages will be English and Spanish.
> The Organizing Committee suggests lodging at:
> Inglaterra Hotel * Fax (537) 33-8254
> Deauville Hotel * Fax (537) 33-8148
> CTC Hotel * Tel: 62-3030
> These hotels are near the Instituto de Historia de Cuba, the venue of the
> conference.  It is also suggested to contact the nearest local travel
> agency.
> Co-Sponsors:
>  Centro de Estudios Filosoficos, Politicos y Sociales "Vicente Lombardo
> Toledano" (Mexico)
>  Centro de Investigaciones de Ciencias Sociales (Argentina)
>  Programa de Investigacion sobre el movimiento de la sociedad argentina
> (Argentina)
>  Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Sociales (Argentina)
>  Instituto de Filosofia (Cuba)
>  Escuela Nacional de Cuadros "Lazaro Pen~a" (Cuba)
> Museo Nacional de las Luchas Obreras (Cuba)
> Contact Information:
> Dr. Luis H. Serrano Perez
> Instituto de Historia de Cuba
> Palacio de Aldama
> Amistad No 510 e/Reina y Estrella
> Cuidad de La Habana, Cuba
> Fax: (537) 635019 y 613545
> Lic. Agustin Lopez
> Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
> San Carlos y Pen~alver
> Telefono: 70-3506
> Fax: (537) 335408

Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
Batoche Books
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1

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