The article Tom Walker posted -

> IMF warns Russia of "disaster" if reforms are rolled back
> Fri, 28 Aug 1998 18:33:34 PDT
> Copyright 1998 by Agence France-Presse


>    At the same briefing, US national security adviser Sandy Berger 
> said Washington and other Western nations will continue to support
> and cooperate with Russia in its economic crisis if Moscow keeps on
> the path toward reform, a top US official said Friday. 
>    "The Russian people should know that, particularly in times of 
> difficulty, the United States and the West will not turn away from
> cooperation," Berger said. 

This is a senior security adviser talking, reinforcing the Deputy 
Treasury Secretary (Summers) who would presumably be the normal 
sender of such messages. Should this be taken as a threat that if 
those economic policies are not followed, non-economic action (covert 
or military) will be taken in addition to economic?


Bill Rosenberg, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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