Poor Louis,

See why he left this nizkor list. I just came on the list hoping to 
get/share some information on the issues with which the Nizkor 
project deals as I have been resarching in this area--among 
others--for 30 years. So I shared some of my research notes, 
particularly dealing with use/collaboration of U.S. Government with 
known nazi war criminals (on their own wanted lists) as intelligence 
assets along with some work on connections between Nazis and U.S. 
businesses throughout the war, and to my surprise, Andrew here, 
greets me to the list by calling me an "asshole" (a totally necessary part 
of the human anatomy I might add and an anatomical structure we would all dealy 
miss were we without one, hence I don't understand its perjorative 
use) and then asking me "kindly" to stop spamming--sending in more 
than one submission, or sending in too many and too literate 
submissions for Andrew to read before sending off his invective 
calling me an "asshole"?

Well, as Sean O' Casey said in "The White Plague"; something like  Nothing is so 
an a vested interest dressed-up [or masquerading] as an intellectual 


------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From:          "James Michael Craven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization:  Clark College, Vancouver WA, USA
To:            "Andrew Mathis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:          Wed, 2 Sep 1998 14:52:15 PST8PDT
Subject:       Nizkor-l: Re: hey asshole
Reply-to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On  2 Sep 98 at 14:38, Andrew Mathis wrote:

> would you kindly stop spamming the nizkor list?
> a.m.
> ______________________________________________________
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

This is not spamming, if you bothered to read the missives, they all 
deal with subjects covered by the list. I know documented evidence is 
difficult for the intellectually-impaired, rabid ideologues and other 
pathetic creatures who can only hurl invective in lieu  of 
counter-evidence, counter-reasoning, but heh, get used to it and 
perhaps post a counter to that with which you disagree that is based 
on more than gutter language.

Have a nice day.

Jim Craven

 James Craven             
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

 James Craven             
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land and 
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor 
and could not have existed had not labor first existed. Labor is the superior of
capital and deserves much the higher consideration." (Abraham Lincoln)

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*

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