Nonsense, occasional vindictive silliness never hurt anything. I spent
a great of deal of time on another list having to explain why I did
not want Clinton impeached by the right wing. An occassional reminder
that he is one of the bad guys, that we are defending him on civil
liberties grounds, as a way of keeping the new puritans (who are as
big on witch hanging as the old ones) from winning -- not because he
is in any way one of ours. I will defend him from this particular
right wing attack -- but I will not stop passionately hating him for
having done more to move the country rightward than Richard Nixon was
ever able to do. From executing a mentally retarded man, ending our
chances for single payer health, welfare deform multiple bombings,
NAFTA, destroying the rights of the disableds -- this is an evil man.
I know it is politics, but I cannot avoid hating personally someone
who has been this destructive -- especially when is smart enough,
educated enough and experienced enough to know exactly what he is
doing. I know he is nothing but boil on a destructive system, but he
is a willing boil, a volunteer putrescence. 
Sometimes we have to defend such, on the same grounds we would defend
the right to free speech of Nazis or Klu Klux Klanners -- because
allowing this state to take away their rights sets a precendent which
threatens ours.   (Remember the House Unamerican Activities Committee
began by investigating Nazi sympathizers, and I believe tackled
Trotskyites before going after Communists, Socialists and liberals.) 

valis wrote:
> Quoth Gar Lipow:
> > Jim Hurd on another lists proposed he accept voluntary chemical
> > castration as the price of staying in office... I suggested the
> > surgical kind would probably be more acceptable to Clinton, as he is
> > used to trading his balls for political power.
> >
> > James Devine wrote:
> > > from SLATE: >Forget censure. Forget impeachment. How about putting the Big
> > > Creep to work clearing roadside trash or dishing out soup kitchen grub?
> > > David Plotz proposes a community-service sentence for Clinton.<
> Come on, guys, this is vindictive silliness unworthy of the list.
>                                                                      valis

Gar W. Lipow
815 Dundee RD NW
Olympia, WA 98502

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