Quoth the Rob of Oz, in part:
> Just a note on jokes - a harsh joke is great shorthand sometimes.  And I do
> believe the intentions of the joker and what it is that's funny about it
> very much depend on the context of the telling -   ..................
> Two Aborigines walking down the road ....
> One says to the other, 'Have you heard Ernie's dead?'
> 'Dead?' intones his mate, 'Jeez, I didn't even know he'd been arrested!'

Oh, I get it, Rob.  How's this:
Two leftish TAs soaking themselves in the on-campus biergarten:
One mumbles, "Didja hear that [a famous Marxist economist] is in prison?"
"In prison?,"  moans the other, "Gosh, I didn't even know he got tenure!"


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