This, of course, is why the US is called the "land of the free, home of the 

At 07:20 AM 6/6/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Published on Monday, June 5, 2000 in the Times of London
>Congressional Task Force: CIA Should Spy On Every Foreign Student In U.S.
>by Ben MacIntyre
>TO TACKLE the threat of international terrorism, the US should monitor every
>foreign student within its borders, encourage CIA agents to recruit more
>"unsavoury" informants and impose sanctions on friendly states who fail to
>act against terrorists, according to a Congressional report published today.
>The US National Commission on Terrorism, set up by Congress two years ago
>after the bombing of US embassies in East Africa, gave warning that US
>anti-terrorism policies were "seriously deficient" and recommended a series
>of drastic measures that have angered its allies accused of tolerating

[*] for the irony-challenged, this is an example of irony.


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