I wrote:
> > I'm not sure what that has to do with literary criticism (which is 
> basically supposed to help us understand the fiction we read).<

Tom Walker writes:
>I wish I could remember who it was who referred to Marx as an heir to the 
>intellectual tradition of Swabian Pietism.

wasn't it Engels who was the Pietist?

>Critical theory refers not to literary criticism but to one of the major 
>traditions of non-Soviet marxism.

I didn't know we were discussing Critical Theory. Hermeneutics and 
deconstruction are only slightly related to Critical Theory.

>One need not agree with everything that, e.g., Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse 
>or Habermas say to find it intellectually and
>politically irresponsible when they are summarily dismissed as "lit crit 

I wasn't talking about Adorno, _et al_.

>Hermeneutics does refer to the interpretation of biblical texts but by 
>extension also refers to textual interpretation in general.

the dictionary used the Bible as only an example.

>Much of the methodology developed for the interpretation of biblical texts 
>carried over into German Idealism and subsequently to Marx, by way of 
>critique. I think the reference to Marx as a Swabian Pietist referred to 
>the similar conjunction of hermeneutics (dialectics) and worldly concern 

I wouldn't say that Marx's critique of Hegel or of the "holy family" was a 
matter of hermeneutics. It's more a matter of a critique of their idealism, 
of their one-sidedness (dialectical incompleteness), etc. Hermeneutics 
involves much more of "what did the author _really_ say or _really_ mean to 
say?" whereas Marx usually looked at what the authors said explicitly and 
then criticized its meaning and implications.

Where do you get the implicit equation of analysis/criticism of texts 
(hermeneutics) with dialectics?

> > BTW, I think it's quite possible that the disagreement between myself 
> and Tom Walker arises because he attaches different meaning to the 
> PC  (and the NAIRU) than I do.<
>Yes. See above comment about "understanding the fiction".

what does that say about the meaning you attach to the PC?

Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &  http://liberalarts.lmu.edu/~jdevine

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