Jim Devine wrote,

>It's a good critique of the MF's NAIRU (or what the MF unscientifically
>calls the "natural rate of unemployment" as if there were anything natural
>about the economy). However, I don't see Jamie as dealing with other
>theories of the NAIRU. Put another way, he doesn't look for the "rational
>core" in the midst of the MF's almost-totally ideological conceptions. 

What Jamie says, in effect, is that the MF's concept of NAIRU cannot be
rescued through the expedient of "two, three, many NAIRUs . . ." That just
further manifests its fundamental incoherence. 

If, as you say, Carlin and Soskice attempt to rescue NAIRU by relating it to
the bargaining power/conflict theory of inflation, they thereby jettison the
labour market model in which NAIRU is held to have relevance. If NAIRU can
be rescued by relating it to the Marxist reserve army of labor, then
NAIRUvians need only embrace the dictatorship of the proletariat to avoid
the inflation/unemployment dilemma. What, hey?

I don't think anybody -- certainly not Galbraith -- is denying that there is
some relationship between inflation, unemployment and fiscal policy. What is
being questioned is that the relationship involves _acceleration_ and that
it occurs through the action of the price mechanism in a _labor market_. If
it doesn't look like a duck and it doesn't walk like a duck, what's the
point of trying to show that it is nevertheless a duck, provided one's
definition of duckness is sufficiently broad?

Look, it's the MF ideological concept of NAIRU that has had policy
consequences over the past 30 years. Do "alternative explanations" of NAIRU
support those same policy directions? If they don't, they have no relevance
to Galbraith's discussion. They are, in the most pejorative sense of the
word, "academic".


Tom Walker
#408 1035 Pacific St.
Vancouver, B.C.
V6E 4G7
(604) 669-3286 
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