Thanks for the post Mike. I would also like to here from anyone involved
with teaching in prison and about teaching programs. I think the potential
for reducing recidivism (along with other benefits to the incarcerated)
makes these appealing programs. Jeff

From: Mike Yates
Subject: [PEN-L:615] teaching in prison
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 1998 9:48PM


Last night I taught my first class in prison.  A friend of mine has been
teaching classes in Western Penitentiary, located along the Ohio river
in Pittsburgh, for some time and she talked me into giving a class in
economics next fall.  She wanted me to get acclimated so I agreed to do
a class on the economy last night.  It was a great experience.  About 10
guys, all black but one, attended and the discussion was very lively.  I
could have cried thinking about how interested and engaged these people
were compared to so many of my college students.  The state has
cancelled all money for these guys to get college credits and degrees,
despite the fact that such programs seem to work really well in reducing
recidivism.  My friend was so upset by this that she organized an
informal certificate program which is going well so far.

I was a little nervous berfore the class, not so much about going into a
prison but worried that I might be asked questions I could not answer.
The students were challenging but very respectful.  I'm sure I'll go
back.  One thing I did get nervous about was the drug "frisk".  A guard
runs this machine over you and then takes a sort of film out of the
machine and puts it into another machine and this machine is supposed to
be able to detect over a hundred different drugs.  I do not use drugs (I
quit so as not to be a bad influence on my sons, but this did not do
much good as it turned out!), but I brought this really old brief case
with me, and god knows what was once in it.  Anyway I passed the test!

Have people on the list taught in prisons?  If so, I'd be interested to
know about any materials you found useful.

in solidarity,

michael yates

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