On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, valis wrote:

> And, speaking of incongruities, why is it the UAW that's going to
> give the TAs material strike support?  Is this not very much like 
> the corporate practice of entering totally unrelated market areas?

No, it's because grad unions are generally pretty radical and went out
there and organized themselves, no thanks to the UAW or anyone
else, so the UAW is just making a very safe bet that the grads
will get what they're after, namely recognition from the Cal system.
The GTFF here in Oregon has the same deal vis-a-vis the AFT folks; we
don't depend on them, we have our own thriving local democracy action
going on -- which is really the only way to run a union, come to think of

-- Dennis (GTFF activist, in case you hadn't noticed)

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