>With redundancies at investment banks around the globe looming, now is 
>the time for us to show the world just how much we care. It's just not 
>Hundreds of investment bankers in your very own country are living at 
>or just below the seven-figure income level! Atrocious! And, as if that 
>weren't bad enough, they will be deprived of pay for several 
>weeks--possibly a whole year--as a result of their redundancy. But now 
>you can help! For about two thousand dollars a day--that's less than the 
>cost of a large screen projection TV--you can help an investment banker 
>remain economically viable during his time of need.
>Two thousand dollars a day may not seem like a lot of money to you, 
>but to a investment banker it could mean the difference between a 
>vacation spent golfing in Florida or a Mediterranean cruise. For you, 
>two thousand dollars is nothing more than three months rent or mortgage 
>payments. But to an investment banker, two thousand dollars a day will 
>almost replace his pay.
>Your commitment of two thousand dollars a day will enable an investment
>banker to buy that home entertainment center, trade in the year-old BMW
>for a new Ferrari, or enjoy a weekend in Rio.
>Each month, you will receive a complete financial report on the
>investment banker you sponsor. Detailed information about his stocks, 
>bonds, 401(k), real estate, and other investment holdings will be mailed 
>to your home.
>You'll also get information on how he plans to invest the $5 million 
>lump severance package he will receive upon outplacement. Plus upon 
>signing up for this program, you will receive a photo of the investment 
>banker. Put the photo on your refrigerator to remind you of other 
>peoples' suffering.
>Your investment banker will be told that he has a SPECIAL FRIEND who just
>wants to help in a time of need. Although the investment banker won't know 
>your name, he will be able to make collect calls to your home via a
>special operator just in case additional funds are needed for unexpected
>Simply fill out the form below.
> ___YES, I want to help!
>I would like to sponsor a redundant investment banker. My preference 
>is checked below:
> [ ] Research analyst
> [ ] M&A specialist
> [ ] Trader*
> [ ] Derivatives trader**
> [ ] Entire emerging markets trading desk***
> [ ] I'll sponsor an investment banker most in need. Please select one 
>for me.
> * Higher cost
> ** Much higher cost
> *** Please call our 900 number to ask for the cost of a specific team 
>(Sorry, does not include secretaries).
>Please charge the account listed below $2,054.79 per day for a 
>research analyst or M&A specialist for the next 3 months. Please send me 
>a picture of the investment banker I have sponsored, along with my very 
>corporate logo baseball cap to wear proudly on my head.
> [ ] MasterCard
> [ ] Visa
> [ ] American Express
> [ ] DiscoverCard
> [ ] Diner's Club
> Your Name: __________________________
> Telephone Number: __________________________
> Card Number: __________________________ Exp.Date:_________
> Signature: __________________________
> Mail completed form to any major investment banking firm or call
> 1-888-TOOMUCH now to enroll by phone. (Children under 18 must have
> parental approval.)
>Note: Sponsors are not permitted to contact the investment banker they 
>have sponsored, either in person or by other means including, but not 
>limited to, telephone calls, letters, e-mail, or third parties. Keep in 
>mind that the investment banker you have sponsored will be much too busy 
>enjoying his free time, thanks to your generous donations. Contributions 
>are not tax-deductible.

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