
I just received the following message and thought some of you might be

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Dilek Cetindamar Karaomerlioglu


>     Dear contributors and potential contributors
>     I am the editor at Routledge responsible for the Ency of International 
>     Politcal Economy. I writing to invite you to contribute to this 
>     project, particularly as you contributed to the Ency of Political 
>     Economy which is due for publication in February 1999.
>     I have set out below the current list of unassigned entries.I would 
>     appreciate it if you could let me know whether you are interested in 
>     writing any of these entries or if you know of colleagues or 
>     postgraduate students who would be interested in contributing to the 
>     project.
>     I have also included some information about the project, so please 
>     forward this e-mail to colleagues and postgraduate students.
>     Routledge offer 30 pounds per 1000 words (or US dollar equivalent) or 
>     one and half times the value in Books. Also, all Routledge 
>     contributors/authors are entitled to a 30% discount on all Routledge 
>     books. The deadline for entry submission is mid-March 1999.
>     I look forward to hearing from you very soon.
>     Best wishes
>     Mina Gera-Price
>     Development Editor, Subject Reference 
>     Routledge Publishers 
>     11 New Fetter Lane
>     London EC4P 4EE
>     Phone: 0171 842 2120
>     Fax: 0171 842 2300
>     The rapid development of the sub-discipline of International Political 
>     Economy has stimulated a proliferation of perspectives, concepts and 
>     findings that feature prominently within the curricula of the many 
>     social science departments world-wide. Such diversity, however, 
>     confronts teachers, researchers and students with considerable 
>     difficulties of access, control and comprehension. 
>     Powerful arguments now exist on both the demand and supply side of 
>     contemporary International Political Economy for a project that can 
>     draw the sub-discipline together to produce an encyclopedia that will 
>     (a) prove an essential  resource for teaching and (b) provide highly 
>     differentiated conceptual and contextual information through which a 
>     variety of users can choose their own paths. 
>     Entries                     Length
>     Absolutist states           350     
>     accelerator, principle      300     
>     acquisitions                400     
>     agribusiness                500     
>     Alvey Committee (UK)        100     
>     American National Standards Institute T1 Committee 100 
>     Annecy Round (GATT)                                150 
>     Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development      100 
>     armed forces                                        650 
>     Arrow, Kenneth                                       500 
>     ASEAN Free Trade Area                               250 
>     Association of Iron Ore Exporting Countries        50 
>     atomism               
>                  50      
>     authoritarian states       950     
>     automaticity       50      
>     Bandung Conference                 100 
>     bargaining and project assessment  100 
>     bargaining, state-firm     600     
>     Bauer, Peter               500     
>     beggar-my-neighbour policy 300     
>     behavioural economics (theory of the firm) 1500 
>     benign neglect                     200 Black 
>     Cartel Case (Japan)  50      
>     black economy      400     
>     black markets      250         
>     Bonapartism        250     
>     boomerang effect, of foreign direct investments    50 
>     Boulding, Kenneth  500     
>     Brandt,(Willy), Report     300     
>     buffer stocks      150     
>     bullionism 150     
>     bureaucracy        1500    
>     Cambridge School   750     
>     capital markets    2000    
>     capital, controls on       1000    
>     Cartesian economics        500     
>     Central African Customs and Economic Union (CACEU) 100 
>     CFA - Communauté Financière Africaine      100 
>     change: progressive        500     
>     change: regressive 500     
>     Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States    300 
>     CIPEC - Conseil Intergouvernemental des Pays       100 
>     circulationism     250     
>     class, service     250     
>     class, taxonomic problems of       350 
>     Clausewitz, Carl von       1500    
>     clearing   300     
>     Clearing Bank Association  100     
>     co-operation, under orthodox IPE theory    300 
>     Cobweb Theorem     300     
>     coercion   900     
>     commercial policy  600     
>     commodities        850     
>     commodity concentration, of exports        500 
>     common fate        500     
>     Common Fund        250     
>     common markets     600     
>     Compagnie Francaise d' Assurance pour le   50 
>     competition, and government policy 750
>     competition, between local and foreign industries  400 
>     competition, economic (role of)]   500     
>     Conference on International Economic Cooperation   250 
>     consumption        50      
>     coordination       300     
>     Corn Laws  300     
>     cost-plus pricing  100     
>     critical realism   600     
>     Cross of Gold      500     
>     cultural determinism       100     
>     cumulative causation       300     
>     debt default       250     
>     debt management    950     
>     deflation, policies of     300     
>     demographic transition     2000    
>     dependence 3000    
>     detente    150     
>     determinism, methodological        750 
>     development zones  500     
>     Dillon Round       250     
>     diplomacy  500     
>     dirigisme  750     
>     diseconomies of scale      500     
>     disengagement      1500    
>     disequilibrium     300     
>     disorganised capitalism    1500    
>     disproportionality, law of 500     
>     diversification    300     
>     dollar (David) index       300     
>     domestic Resource Cost     300     
>     dualism    300     
>     duopsony   50      
>     Duplicate?: non-alignment (already entry on NAM)   500 
>     duties 50      
>     E-Money    1000    
>     East African Economic Community    300 
>     East Asian Economic Caucus (EAEC)  250 
>     economic leadership        1000    
>     economic regions   800     
>     economic sphere of influence       1000 
>     egalitarianism     1000    
>     Eichner, Alfred S. 500     
>     embedded financial orthodoxy       300 
>     embedded Statism   1500    
>     Empire, British    1500    
>     energy     250     
>     equality   3000    
>     equalization of returns, to factors of production  500 
>     equities   100     
>     Esprit Programme, EC       300     
>     Euro-dollar        500     
>     Eurocentric        100     
>     Eurogiro   100     
>     European Programme for Informatics 100     
>     European Technical Standards Institute (ETSI)      100 
>     Export Credit and Guarantees       300 
>     export of capital  200     
>     Export-Import Bank, USA    50      
>     factor endowments  700     
>     factor price equalization  500     
>     fair trade 1500    
>     Federal Reserve and monetary system        100 
>     finance and information technology 1000 
>     finance capital    3000    
>     financial centres  100     
>     financial instruments      300     
>     financial integration      1000    
>     financial panics and crises        500 
>     First World        250     
>     Fordism: developmental model       300 
>     Foreign Assistance Act (USA)       100 
>     foreign debt       600     
>     foreign exchange gap       150     
>     Fourth World       250     
>     free-trade imperialism     650     
>     Friedman, Milton   300     
>     futures    150     
>     Galbraith, J.K.    750     
>     Galtung, Johan     750     
>     Gandhi     250       
>     gearing    100     
>     General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)      100 
>     General Agreement to Borrow        100     
>     General Arrangements to Borrow (GAB) under the     100 
>     Geneva Rounds (GATT)       150     
>     geo-strategic regions      1500    
>     geographical concentration, of exports     300 
>     Golden Triangle' - European        1500 
>     green movement     300     
>     Group of 77        250     
>     growth poles       350     
>     Gulf War (1991-2)  500     
>     Harrod-Domar Growth Model  200     
>     Havana Charter     150     
>     headquarters effect        250     
>     hegemony, U.S.     1000    
>     hegemony: transition       500     
>     Herstatt Risk      200     
>     heuristic models   500     
>     Hickenlooper Amendment (USA)       100 
>     Hilferding, Rudolf 1500    
>     historical costs   50      
>     Historical School, German  750     
>     historicism        1000    
>     Hobsbawm, Eric     500     
>     Hobson, J.A.       3000    
>     holism     500     
>     ideal types        500     
>     imperial rivalry   250     
>     import deposits    50      
>     incorporation      400     
>     indebted industrialization 500     
>     individualism, methodological      700 
>     industrial democracy       300     
>     industrial organization theory     150 
>     industrialization  750     
>     informal economy   650     
>     informatics        150     
>     instrumentalism    200     
>     integration        750     
>     Inter-Bank On-Line System (IBOS)   100 
>     interdependence, moral     100     
>     International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEE)  100 
>     International Bauxite Association  100 
>     International Business Machines (IBM)      100 
>     International Clearing Union       50 
>     International Coffee Agreement     100     
>     International Fund for Agricultural Development    150 
>     international politics     1150    
>     international relations    650     
>     international security (in addition to `security') 200 
>     International Telephone and Telegraphy Company     300 
>     international trade cycles 300     
>     internationalization       1350    
>     interstate system  600     
>     investment 3500    
>     investment banks   100     
>     invisible balance  50      
>     inward-looking development 150     
>     ISIC: International Standard Industrial    100 
>     Islamic Development Bank   100     
>     Islamic economic practices 300     
>     Jamaica Conference - IMF (1976)    200 
>     Japanese Telecommunication Technology      150 
>     Justice    2000    
>     Kaldor, Nicholas   250     
>     Korean War 500     
>     Kuwait Fund        50      
>     labour aristocracy 250     
>     Labour mobility    150     
>     Labourism  350     
>     land reform        600     
>     law, economic - role of    1100    
>     Left Corporatist model     500     
>     legitimacy crisis  500     
>     Lend-lease 250     
>     Leontief Paradox   500     
>     Leverage   300     
>     Liberal triumphalism       350     
>     Liquidity  1000    
>     loans, and the debt crisis 500     
>     local-global nexus 100     
>     Lomé Conventions   1100    
>     London Inter-bank Offer Rate (LIBOR)       250 
>     Long-run   300     
>     Maintenance policy 300     
>     Malthus, Thomas Robert (1766-1834) 1500 
>     Manchester School  100     
>     market power       700     
>     Marxian economics  6000    
>     merchandise trade  50      
>     Merchant Banks     200     
>     Meta-theory        350     
>     Metropoles 500     
>     microeconomic policies     1000    
>     Minimalism (political)     50      
>     Mode of Regulation 500     
>     monetary policies  600     
>     Money illusion     100     
>     Morgenstern, Oscar 350     
>     Multiplier, principle      300     
>     nation-state       2000    
>     National Debt      500     
>     national security (in addition to international security   200 
>     National Security State    350     
>     national treatment 300     
>     Nationalisation    100     
>     nationalism        2000    
>     natural resource ventures  50      
>     Nebuleuse  700     
>     neo-Ricardian theory - neo-classical       350 
>     Neo-Ricaridian theory - post-Sraffian      500 
>     neo-statism        250     
>     new constitutionalism      1000    
>     New Medievalism    1500    
>     Nichibei economy   250     
>     non-factor services        150     
>     Offshore headquarters      350     
>     offshore production        1700    
>     Ontology, issues of        1000 
>     Orderly Marketing Agreements (OMA) 350 
>     Overproduction     350     
>     Overstretch theory of the state (Kennedy)  1500 
>     Overvaluation, of currencies       200 
>     parallel markets   150     
>     parish relief, abolition of        350 
>     Pax Americana      750     
>     Perfect information        200     
>     Permanent Arms Economy     1000    
>     petrochemical industry     300     
>     pluralism, economic        250     
>     Portfolio investments      500     
>     positional goods   250     
>     primary market     100     
>     Product-market restrictions        150
>      profit maximisation        300     
>     profit remittance policies 100     
>     protection costs   200     
>     Public sector      200     
>     quality of life    100     
>     quotas     700     
>     Rational Expectations      2000    
>     Rationalism        1500    
>     realism    2000    
>     realist philosophy 600     
>     Revealed Comparative Advantage     300 
>     Ricardo, David     3000    
>     rules of international systems     500 
>     Rybczynski Theorem 800     
>     Schuman Plan       350     
>     second best, theory of     300     
>     second world       250     
>     Secondary Markets  200     
>     sectoral protectionism     500     
>     Security: politico-military        500 
>     Seers, Dudley      250     
>     self help  250     
>     Sen, Amartya       1000    
>     Services Trade     500     
>     Shadow Industries  150     
>     shadow prices      500     
>     Short-run  200     
>     Simon, Herbert A.  350     
>     Singer, Hans       250     
>     skills     500     
>     small country assumption   200     
>     social democracy   2000    
>     Social Democratic Parties  1000    
>     social organization of production  200 
>     Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial  100 
>     Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial  100 
>     Soft currency      100     
>     specialization, benefits or costs  500 
>     Specie points      100     
>     Stabilisers        200     
>     standard international trade classification (SITC) 150 
>     State socialism    1500    
>     Statism    3000    
>     stock markets      100     
>     Stockholm Convention       50      
>     Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) 600 
>     Strategic partnership      1500    
>     structural change  1900    
>     structural imperialism     1000    
>     Structural violence        2000    
>     subsidies  3500    
>     subsistence wages  500     
>     Super 301  150     
>     super-accumulation 500     
>     surplus profits    600     
>     Swaps      100     
>     Tax holidays       100     
>     tax policy 900     
>     Teletype   50      
>     Telex      50      
>     territorial production complexes   600 
>     thrifts    300     
>     Tipa-Net   100     
>     tobacco industry   200     
>     Torquay Round (GATT)       150     
>     totalitarianism    250     
>     trade and aid provision    150     
>     trade regimes      100     
>     trade, inter-firm and intra-firm   1000 T 
>     rans-Atlantic Free Trade Area (TAFTA)     100 
>     Trans-shipment     200     
>     Transformation curve       200     
>     transformation economies   200     
>     transition theorists       200     
>     Transmitted effects        500     
>     Transnationally Integrated Production      300 
>     Triad 1500    
>     trickle-down       800     
>     Triffin dilemma    350     
>     trilateralism      500     
>     Tripartite Monetary Agreement (1936)       400 
>     Underconsumption   750     
>     Undervaluation, of currencies      50 
>     underwriting       400     
>     unemployment, natural rate of      300 
>     United Nations Centre on Transnational     50 
>     Universal Postal Union (UPU)       100 
>     Urban bias 350     
>     Veblen, Thorstein  2000    
>     Visible balance    50      
>     volatility 100     
>     wages      1100    
>     Washington Agreement (1945)        100 
>     wealth 600     
>     welfare capitalism 1100    
>     West African Franc Zone    300     
>     Western European Economy   500     
>     Witteveen Facility 50      
>     World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC)       150 
>     world classes      200     
>     world economy      300     
>     world market       400     
>     world order        600     
>     world order models 500     
>     world powers       200     
>     World Radiocommunication Conference        50 
>     Yom Kippur War     300     

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