G'day all,

A lovely follow-up to the MUA story (remember the Ozzie wharfies' strike?) ...

The government, interest groups and Patrick Stevedores may yet be laid low!

But not by the union.

Nope.  The spectre that haunts them is that of the scabs!  These blokes are
suing for millions in compensation for being cast asunder as soon as the
dirty work was done.  And whatever evidence for the conspiracy the MUA had
so long hinted at (but either didn't use or didn't have) would logically be
in the possession of this lot, no?  They reckon they have it, anyway - all
the way back to the quasi-military training in Dubai.  And they look like
they're prepared to pull the trigger, too.

'Course, the election has been and gone (the Tories won), but one suspects
there is a bit of good in this.  At the very least upwards of 350 people
might just have endured a salutory lesson in class consciousness, eh?  At
the very best, some hitherto smug brows might now be furrowing a bit
(quickly, I hope - a goods and services tax and the repeal of some unfair
dismissal regulations are on the immediate agenda here) and a lot of other
people might get a clearer idea of where the ultimate battle lines are ...


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