This material is excerpted from the CCPA (Canadian Centre for POlicy 
Alternatives)n December 1998 p. . The source is the United Nations 1998 
Human Development Report:

 * The richest one-fifth  of the world's people consumes 86% of all goods 
and services, while the poorest one-fifth consumes just 1.3%. The richest 
one-fifth consumes 45% of all meat and fish, 58% of all energy used, and 
84% of all paper, has 74% of all telephonelines and owns 87% of all 

* THe world's 225 richest individuals (of whom 60 are American with total 
assets of 311 billion) have a combined wealth of over $1 trillion--equal 
to the combined income of the poorest 47% of the entire world's 
population. THe three richest people in the world have assets that exceed 
the combined gross domestic product of the 48 least developed countries.

* North Americans spend 8.5 billion a year on cosmetics--2.5 billion more 
than the annual amount needed to provide basis education for everyone in 
the world.

* The additional cost of achieving and maintaining universal access to 
basic education for all, basic health care for all, reproductive health 
care for women, adequate food for all, and clean water and safe sewers 
for all is estimated to be roughly 40 billion a year--less than 4% of  
the combined wealth of the 225 richest people in the world.

Comment: Obviously we don't need socialism at all just some minimal
"paternalism" by the 225 richest persons. Interest on their wealth would 
surely be 4% a year at least and this could be used to achieve a 
wonderful world welfare state ;-). I gather that some of these figures 
on consumption may be a bit misleading. For example energy that is used 
but is not bought would not show up in the UN figures as I understand it. 
Seems to me Jane Kelsey complained loudly about this manner of accounting 
since it ignores the value of projects that might not lead to GNP 
increases but might be very valuable in terms of people's lives i.e. 
digging a well closer to a village so that people-usually women--do not 
spend half the day hauling water. 

Cheers, Ken Hanly

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