Micheal Parelman posted on pen-l:

                             >struggling to make
                             >sense of the American
                             >economy agree about
                             >some big things.
                             >Nobody denies that
                             >its performance since
                             >the middle of the
                             >1990s has been
                             >remarkable. Nobody
                             >denies that
                             >technological progress
                             >in the computer
                             >industry has
                             >dramatically, and that
                             >this has directly
                             >boosted overall output
                             >and productivity.

I don't know where Parelman extracted this article from (Gordon?), but
the author's statement sounds terribly mainstream and US centric to me!!
Reading the US economy in isolation from the rest of the world must be
the wisest thing economists subscribe...

Viva boom and productivity!

here are the real reasons for America's prosperity:




                                         1995, 119 countries


The statistical tables below present quantitative estimates of unequal
exchange for 119 countries. The tables are based on the theory and
method developed in the main body of the article. The calculations are
based on export/import data and the exchange rate deviation index.
Losses or gains from unequal exchange are calculated as the difference
between a "fair value" of exports/imports and the "actual (unfair)
value" of exports/imports. The estimation formula is:

                           T = d*X - X

d = the exchange rate deviation index (also designated as "ERD" in
the     literature)
X = the volume of exports from a low- or middle-income country to
high-income countries (valued at the actual exchange rate)
T = the unrecorded transfer of value (gain or loss) resulting from
unequal exchange

In the tables (below), this formula is applied to the data for 119
countries for the year 1995.


Table 1 presents the step-by-step calculations. Countries are arranged
in alphabetical order and in two groups -- first, non-OECD countries
and, secondly, OECD countries. The losses or gains from unequal exchange
are shown at the right-hand side (in terms of U.S. dollars and as a
percent of the country's GNP).

Table 2 presents the losses and gains (same as in Table 1), sorted by
dollar volume.

Table 3 presents the losses and gains (same as in Table 1), sorted by
percent of GNP.

The tables are followed by a brief discussion and further methodological


[Page 160]
Journal of World-Systems Research


NON-OECD countries (N=97)

Country              GNP   Popul    GNP/capita       Exports  Rate
                     1995  1995     1995   1995      to OECD  Deviat'n
Exports    LOSS (-) LOSS (-)
                     US $           US $   PPP $        US $     D/C
(G/0.9)*F    J=F-H   K=J/A

                millions  millions              year  millions  ratio
$millions $millions % of GNP
                    (A)     (B)    (C)     (D)   (E)   (F)       (G)
(H)        (J)      (K)

Algeria            44,800  28.0    1,600   5,300 1994  7,807     3.31
28,712     -20,905   -47%
Angola              4,428  10.8      410   1,310  92   3,512     3.20
12,486      -8,974  -203%
Argentina         278,641  34.7    8,030   8,310  95   7,259     1.03
8,308      -1,049     0%
Armenia             2,774   3.8      730   2,260  92       4
3.10       14         -10     0%
Bahamas             3,295   0.3   11,940  14,710  91     120
1.23      164         -44    -1%

Bahrain             4,524   0.6    7,840  13,400  95     561     1.71
1,066        -505   -11%
Bangladesh         28,752 119.8      240   1,380  93   1,745     5.75
11,149      -9,404   -33%
Barbados            1,745   0.3    6,560  10,620  95     103
1.62      185         -82    -5%
Belize                568   0.2    2,630   5,400  95     151
2.05      343        -192   -34%
Benin               2,035   5.5      370   1,760  95      54
4.76      287        -233   -11%

Bhutan                292   0.7      420   1,260  92       0
3.00        0           0     0%
Bolivia             5,920   7.4      800   2,540  95     603     3.18
2,131      -1,528   -26%
Brazil            579,488 159.2    3,640   5,400  95  37,389     1.48
61,483     -24,095    -4%
Bulgaria           11,172   8.4    1,330   4,480  95   2,214     3.37
8,292      -6,077   -54%
Burkina Faso        2,392  10.4      230     780  91      62
3.39      233        -171    -7%

Cameroon            8,645  13.3      650   2,110  91   2,237     3.25
8,080      -5,842   -68%
Cape Verde            365   0.4      960   1,870  94       5
1.95       11          -6    -2%
Central African R   1,122   3.3      340   1,070  89     131
3.15      459        -328   -29%
Chile              59,072  14.2    4,160   9,520  95  10,067     2.29
25,614     -15,547   -26%
China             744,1241200.2      620   2,920  95  83,105     4.71
434,917    -351,811   -47%

Colombia           70,288  36.8    1,910   6,130  95   6,685     3.21
23,845     -17,159   -24%
Comoros               235   0.5      470   1,320  94       9
2.81       29         -20    -8%
Congo               1,768   2.6      680   2,050  94     747     3.01
2,499      -1,752   -99%
Costa Rica          8,874   3.4    2,610   5,850  95   2,089     2.24
5,198      -3,110   -35%
Czech Republic     39,861  10.3    3,870   9,770  95  10,221     2.52
28,620     -18,399   -46%

Dominican Republic 11,388   7.8    1,460   3,870  94   1,927     2.65
5,673      -3,746   -33%
Ecuador            15,985  11.5    1,390   4,220  94   3,578     3.04
12,086      -8,508   -53%
Egypt              45,662  57.8      790   3,820  95   2,226     4.84
11,970      -9,744   -21%
El Salvador         9,016   5.6    1,610   2,610  94     406
1.62      731        -325    -4%
Estonia             4,290   1.5    2,860   4,220  95   1,081     1.48
1,777        -697   -16%

Ethiopia            5,640  56.4      100     450  93     144
4.50      718        -575   -10%
Fiji                1,891   0.8    2,440   5,780  95     450     2.37
1,184        -735   -39%
Gambia                352   1.1      320     930  91      15
2.91       49         -34   -10%
Ghana               6,669  17.1      390   1,990  92     432     5.10
2,446      -2,014   -30%
Greece             86,205  10.5    8,210  11,710  94   6,320     1.43
10,042      -3,722    -4%

Guatemala          14,204  10.6    1,340   3,340  95     994     2.49
2,751      -1,756   -12%
Honduras            3,540   5.9      600   1,900  95     554     3.17
1,951      -1,397   -39%
Hongkong          142,538   6.2   22,990  22,950  95  84,418     1.00
93,798      -9,380    -7%
Hungary            42,024  10.2    4,120   6,410  95   9,115     1.56
15,800      -6,684   -16%
India             315,996 929.4      340   1,400  94  15,717     4.12
71,947     -56,231   -18%

Indonesia         189,434 193.3      980   3,800  95  29,799     3.88
128,468     -98,668   -52%
Israel             87,560   5.5   15,920  16,490  94  12,051     1.04
13,926      -1,875   -2%
Jamaica             3,775   2.5    1,510   3,540  92     915     2.34
2,380      -1,464   -39%
Jordan              6,342   4.2    1,510   4,060  95     265
2.69      791        -526    -8%
Kasakstan          22,078  16.6    1,330   3,010  93     921     2.26
2,312      -1,391    -6%

Kenya               7,476  26.7      280   1,380  93     581     4.93
3,183      -2,602   -35%
Kuwait             29,563   1.7   17,390  23,790  95   7,194     1.37
10,951      -3,757   -13%
Kyrgystan           3,150   4.5      700   1,800  92       0
2.57        1           0     0%
Latvia              5,675   2.5    2,270   3,370  95     624     1.48
1,026        -402    -7%
Lithuania           7,030   3.7    1,900   4,120  95   1,095     2.17
2,641      -1,546   -22%

Madagascar          3,151  13.7      230     640  95     270
2.78      835        -565   -18%
Malawi              1,666   9.8      170     750  91     398     4.41
1,950      -1,552   -93%
Malaysia           78,189  20.1    3,890   9,020  95  39,275     2.32
101,242     -61,967   -79%
Maldives              250   0.3      990   3,080  93      16
3.11       56         -40   -16%
Mauritius           3,718   1.1    3,380  13,210  95   1,408     3.91
6,116      -4,708  -127%

Mexico            304,776  91.8    3,320   6,400  95  73,494     1.93
157,604     -84,110   -28%
Morocco            29,526  26.6    1,110   3,340  95   3,579     3.01
11,968      -8,390   -28%
Mozambique          1,296  16.2       80     810  94      95    10.13
1,068        -973   -75%
Nepal               4,300  21.5      200   1,170  95     282     5.85
1,832      -1,550   -36%
Nicaragua           1,672   4.4      380   2,000  95     386     5.26
2,257      -1,871  -112%

Niger               1,980   9.0      220     750  91     235
3.41      890        -655   -33%
Nigeria            28,938 111.3      260   1,220  91  11,806     4.69
61,523     -49,717  -172%
Oman               10,604   2.2    4,820   8,140  95   2,837     1.69
5,328      -2,491   -23%
Pakistan           59,754 129.9      460   2,230  95   3,630     4.85
19,563     -15,933   -27%
Panama              7,150   2.6    2,750   5,980  94   1,054     2.17
2,542      -1,488   -21%

Papua New Guinea    4,988   4.3    1,160   2,420  93   1,735     2.09
4,030      -2,294   -46%
Paraguay            8,112   4.8    1,690   3,650  95     218
2.16      524        -306    -4%
Peru               54,978  23.8    2,310   3,770  95   3,063     1.63
5,548      -2,485    -5%
Philippines        72,030  68.6    1,050   2,850  95  12,794     2.71
38,524     -25,730   -36%
Poland            107,694  38.6    2,790   5,400  95  17,208     1.94
37,093     -19,885   -18%

Qatar               7,447   0.6   11,600  17,690  94     461
1.53      784        -323    -4%
Romania            33,596  22.7    1,480   4,360  95   4,333     2.95
14,202      -9,869   -29%
Russian Fed       331,968 148.2    2,240   4,480  93  26,643     2.00
59,206     -32,563   -10%
Saint Kitts and N     212   0.0    5,170   9,410  91      21
1.82       43         -22   -10%
Senegal             5,100   8.5      600   1,780  93     275
2.97      908        -633   -12%

Singapore          80,190   3.0   26,730  22,770  95  54,755     0.85
51,713      +3,042    +4%
Slovakia           15,930   5.4    2,950   3,610  95   3,508     1.22
4,755      -1,247    -8%
Solomon I             341   0.4      910   2,190  94     235
2.41      630        -395  -116%
Southern Africa   131,140  41.5    3,160   5,030  95  13,426     1.59
23,719     -10,293    -8%
Sri Lanka          12,670  18.1      700   3,250  95   1,838     4.64
9,475      -7,637   -60%

Suriname              361   0.4      880   2,250  94     447     2.56
1,270        -824  -228%
Syrian Arab R      15,792  14.1    1,120   5,320  94   2,038     4.75
10,757      -8,718   -55%
Thailand          159,468  58.2    2,740   7,540  95  31,120     2.75
95,088     -63,968   -40%
Togo                1,271   4.1      310   1,130  94      74
3.65      302        -227   -18%
Trinidad & Tobago   4,901   1.3    3,770   8,610  95   1,355     2.28
3,432      -2,077   -42%

Tunisia            16,380   9.0    1,820   5,000  95   4,473     2.75
13,667      -9,194   -56%
Turkey            169,858  61.1    2,780   5,580  95  13,361     2.01
29,839     -16,478   -10%
Uganda              4,608  19.2      240   1,470  92     128
6.13      871        -743   -16%
Ukraine            84,108  51.6    1,630   2,400  93   1,373     1.47
2,243        -870    -1%
U Arab Emirates    43,500   2.5   17,400  16,470  93     752
0.95      794         -42     0%

United R Tanzania   3,552  29.6      120     640  90     221     5.33
1,311      -1,090   -31%
Uruguay            16,544   3.2    5,170   6,630  95     628
1.28      893        -265    -2%
Uzbekistan         22,116  22.8      970   2,370  92     386     2.44
1,048        -661    -3%
Vanuatu               203   0.2    1,200   2,290  94      13
1.91       28         -15    -7%
Venezuela          65,534  21.7    3,020   7,900  95  11,863     2.62
34,535     -22,672   -35%

Zambia              3,600   9.0      400     930  90     384
2.33      994        -610   -17%
Zimbabwe            5,940  11.0      540   2,030  95   1,054     3.76
4,404      -3,350   -56%

Subtotal        4,993,765 4236.6                     706,650
1,890,124  -1,183,474   -24%
Average (arithmetic)
2.88                        -33%
Average (weighted by exports to OECD)
2.41                        -30%

[Page 161]
Journal of World-Systems Research

OECD countries (N=22)

Country              GNP   Popul    GNP/capita   Imports from Rate
                     1995  1995     1995   1995      NON-OECD Deviat'n
Imports    GAIN (+)  GAIN (+)
                     US $           US $   PPP $        US $     D/C
(2.4/G)*F    J=H-F   K=J/A

                millions  millions              year  millions  ratio
$millions  $millions % of GNP
                    (A)     (B)    (C)     (D)   (E)   (F)       (G)
(H)        (J)      (K)

Australia         338,832  18.1   18,720  18,940  95  14,493     1.01
34,438     +19,945    +6%
Austria           217,809   8.1   26,890  21,250  94   9,503     0.79
28,870     +19,367    +9%
Belgium-Luxembg   249,571  10.1   24,710  21,660  95  20,572     0.88
56,105     +35,533   +14%
Canada            573,648  29.6   19,380  21,130  95  23,658     1.09
52,090     +28,433    +5%
Denmark           155,428   5.2   29,890  21,230  95   6,043     0.71
20,428     +14,384    +9%

Finland           104,958   5.1   20,580  17,760  94   5,230     0.86
14,596      +9,366    +9%
France          1,451,919  58.1   24,990  21,030  95  51,318     0.84
146,623     +95,305    +7%
Germany         2,253,069  81.9   27,510  20,070  95 105,345     0.73
346,339    +240,994   +11%
Iceland             6,687   0.3   24,950  20,460  95     200
0.82      584        +385    +6%
Ireland            52,956   3.6   14,710  15,680  95   5,536     1.07
12,417      +6,881   +13%

Italy           1,087,944  57.2   19,020  19,870  95  49,325     1.04
113,827     +64,502    +6%
Japan           4,962,928 125.2   39,640  22,110  95 158,686     0.56
680,081    +521,396   +11%
Korea, Republic   435,530  44.9    9,700  11,450  95  42,927     1.18
87,308     +44,382   +10%
Netherldands      372,000  15.5   24,000  19,950  95  34,347     0.83
99,316     +64,970   +17%
New Zealand        51,624   3.6   14,340  16,360  95   2,627     1.14
5,531      +2,904    +6%

Norway            137,500   4.4   31,250  21,940  95   4,161     0.70
14,266     +10,105    +7%
Portugal           96,426   9.9    9,740  12,670  95   5,064     1.30
9,350      +4,285    +4%
Spain             532,336  39.2   13,580  14,520  95  23,671     1.07
53,095     +29,423    +6%
Sweden            209,000   8.8   23,750  18,540  94   7,442     0.78
22,898     +15,456    +7%
Switzerland       284,410   7.0   40,630  25,860  95   7,365     0.64
27,619     +20,254    +7%

United Kingdom  1,093,950  58.5   18,700  19,260  95  46,286     1.03
107,851     +61,565    +6%
United States   7,098,438 263.1   26,980  26,980  95 315,889     1.00
758,133    +442,244    +6%

Subtotal       21,766,963 857.4                      939,687
2,691,765  +1,752,078    +8%
Average (arithmetic)
0.91                         +8%
Averages (weighted by imports from NON-OECD)
0.89                         +8%

[Page 162]
Journal of World-Systems Research


1. World GNP             26,760,727 US $ millions = 26.8 US $ trillions
2. Gains (OECD)          +1,752,078    $ millions =  1.8    $ trillions
3. Losses (NON-OECD)     -1,183,474    $ millions =  1.2    $ trillions
4. Statistical Error       -568,604    due to missing data for low- and
5. Gains (OECD) as percent:           +6.55% of world GNP   =    +8% of
6. Losses (NON-OECD) as percent:      -4.42% of world GNP   =   -24% of
7. Statistical Error                  -2.12% due to missing data for
low- and middle-income


1. for columns B, C, D (population, GNP per capita, PPP values, list of
OECD countries):
   World Bank. World Development Report 1997, p.214-215 (Table 1), p.248
(Table 1a), p.265 (Table 1)
2. for columns E, F (year and volume of exports or imports):
   United Nations. International Trade Statistics Yearbook 1995, Vol. 1.
For each country, Table 3
   ("Trade by Principal Countries of Production and last Consignment")
was used.
   Aggregation: "NON-OECD" = "World"[from source] - "OECD".
   "OECD" = [from source:]"Northern America" + "EEC" + "EFTA" + "other
Europe" + "Oceania" + "Japan" + "Korea, Republic of"


col. A = B * C
col. B, C, D, E: none
col. F: see "SOURCES #2"
col. G = D / C (= d, = exchange rate deviation)
col. H: two formulae--(1) NON-OECD, fair value of exports to
OECD:(d/0.9)*exports=(colG/0.9)* col. F
                          ( 0.9 is the average exchange rate deviation
for the block of OECD countries, see above)
                    --(2) OECD, fair value of imports from
NON-OECD:(2.4/d)*imports=(2.4/G)* col. F
                          ( 2.4 is the average exchange rate deviation
for the block of NON-OECD countries, see above)
col. J -- for losses: J= F - H -- for gains: J = H - F
col K = J / A as a percent

End Table A-1

[Page 163]
Journal of World-Systems Research

             SORTED BY VOLUME

Country              GAIN(+)
                 (US $ millions)

China               -351,811
Indonesia            -98,668
Mexico               -84,110
Thailand             -63,968
Malaysia             -61,967
India                -56,231
Nigeria              -49,717
Russian Federation   -32,563
Philippines          -25,730
Brazil               -24,095     case #10

Venezuela            -22,672
Algeria              -20,905
Poland               -19,885
Czech Republic       -18,399
Colombia             -17,159
Turkey               -16,478
Pakistan             -15,933
Chile                -15,547
Southern Africa(CU)  -10,293
Romania               -9,869     case #20

Egypt                 -9,744
Bangladesh            -9,404
Hongkong              -9,380
Tunisia               -9,194
Angola                -8,974
Syrian Arab Republic  -8,718
Ecuador               -8,508
Morocco               -8,390
Sri Lanka             -7,637
Hungary               -6,684     case #30

Bulgaria              -6,077
Cameroon              -5,842
Mauritius             -4,708
Kuwait                -3,757
Dominican Republic    -3,746
Greece                -3,722
Zimbabwe              -3,350
Costa Rica            -3,110
Kenya                 -2,602
Oman                  -2,491     case #40

Peru                  -2,485
Papua New Guinea      -2,294
Trinidad and Tobago   -2,077
Ghana                 -2,014
Israel                -1,875
Nicaragua             -1,871
Guatemala             -1,756
Congo                 -1,752
Malawi                -1,552
Nepal                 -1,550     case #50

Lithuania             -1,546
Bolivia               -1,528
Panama                -1,488
Jamaica               -1,464
Honduras              -1,397
Kasakstan             -1,391
Slovakia              -1,247
United R of Tanzania  -1,090
Argentina             -1,049
Mozambique              -973     case #60

Ukraine                 -870
Suriname                -824
Uganda                  -743
Fiji                    -735
Estonia                 -697
Uzbekistan              -661
Niger                   -655
Senegal                 -633
Zambia                  -610
Ethiopia                -575     case #70

Madagascar              -565
Jordan                  -526
Bahrain                 -505
Latvia                  -402
Solomon I               -395
Central African R       -328
El Salvador             -325
Qatar                   -323
Paraguay                -306
Uruguay                 -265     case #80

Benin                   -233
Togo                    -227
Belize                  -192
Burkina Faso            -171
Barbados                 -82
Bahamas                  -44
United Arab Emirates     -42
Maldives                 -40
Gambia                   -34
Saint Kitts and N        -22     case #90

Comoros                  -20
Vanuatu                  -15
Armenia                  -10
Cape Verde                -6
Kyrgystan                  0
Bhutan                     0

Iceland               +1,551
New Zealand           +2,904
Portugal              +4,285
Ireland               +6,881     case #100

Finland               +9,366
Norway               +10,105
Denmark              +14,384
Sweden               +15,456
Austria              +19,367
Australia            +19,945
Switzerland          +20,254
Canada               +28,433
Spain                +29,423
Belgium-Luxembourg   +35,533     case #110

Korea, Republic of   +44,382
United Kingdom       +61,565
Italy                +64,502
Netherlands          +64,970
France               +95,305
Germany             +240,994
United States       +442,244
Japan               +521,396

[Singapore omitted: no loss vis-a-vis OECD]

[Page 164]
Journal of World-Systems Research


Country           GAIN(+)
                (% of GNP)

Suriname           -228%
Angola             -203%
Nigeria            -172%
Mauritius          -127%
Solomon I          -116%
Nicaragua          -112%
Congo               -99%
Malawi              -93%
Malaysia            -79%
Mozambique          -75%     case #10

Cameroon            -68%
Sri Lanka           -60%
Zimbabwe            -56%
Tunisia             -56%
Syrian Arab Republic-55%
Bulgaria            -54%
Ecuador             -53%
Indonesia           -52%
China               -47%
Algeria             -47%     case #20

Czech Republic      -46%
Papua New Guinea    -46%
Trinidad and Tobago -42%
Thailand            -40%
Honduras            -39%
Fiji                -39%
Jamaica             -39%
Nepal               -36%
Philippines         -36%
Costa Rica          -35%     case #30

Kenya               -35%
Venezuela           -35%
Belize              -34%
Niger               -33%
Dominican Republic  -33%
Bangladesh          -33%
United Rep Tanzania -31%
Ghana               -30%
Romania             -29%
Central African R   -29%     case #40

Morocco             -28%
Mexico              -28%
Pakistan            -27%
Chile               -26%
Bolivia             -26%
Colombia            -24%
Oman                -23%
Lithuania           -22%
Egypt               -21%
Panama              -21%     case #50

Poland              -18%
Madagascar          -18%
Togo                -18%
India               -18%
Zambia              -17%
Estonia             -16%
Uganda              -16%
Maldives            -16%
Hungary             -16%
Kuwait              -13%     case #60

Senegal             -12%
Guatemala           -12%
Benin               -11%
Bahrain             -11%
Saint Kitts and N   -10%
Ethiopia            -10%
Russian Federation  -10%
Turkey              -10%
Gambia              -10%
Comoros              -8%     case #70

Jordan               -8%
Southern Africa(CU)  -8%
Slovakia             -8%
Vanuatu              -7%
Burkina Faso         -7%
Latvia               -7%
Hongkong             -7%
Kasakstan            -6%
Barbados             -5%
Peru                 -5%     case #80

Qatar                -4%
Greece               -4%
Brazil               -4%
Paraguay             -4%
El Salvador          -4%
Uzbekistan           -3%
Israel               -2%
Uruguay              -2%
Cape Verde           -2%
Bahamas              -1%     case #90

Ukraine              -1%
Argentina             0%
Armenia               0%
United Arab Emirates  0%
Bhutan                0%
Kyrgystan             0%

Portugal             +4%
Canada               +5%
Spain                +6%
New Zealand          +6%     case #100

United Kingdom       +6%
Iceland              +6%
Australia            +6%
Italy                +6%
United States        +6%
France               +7%
Switzerland          +7%
Norway               +7%
Sweden               +7%
Austria              +9%     case #110

Finland              +9%
Denmark              +9%
Korea, Republic of  +10%
Japan               +11%
Germany             +11%
Ireland             +13%
Belgium-Luxembourg  +14%
Netherlands         +17%

[Singapore omitted: no loss vis-a-vis OECD]


Mine Aysen Doyran
PhD Student
Department of Political Science
SUNY at Albany
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
Albany, NY 12222

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