Mark Jones
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "UP.secr. (MG!)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 10:06 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:20248] MOBILIZE GLOBALLY ! (MG!) (2)

> ( 2. edition, after clarification and amendment on basis of
>   netters' comments )
> The next necessary step to maintain the momentum of,
> expand and carry through to their conclusion the historic
> victories in Seattle, Washington D.C., Havana, etc.,
> is an ever more intense involvement and coordination
> of ALL progressives of the planet.
> These include the thousands of progressive NGOs
> worldwide, progressive trade unions, farmers' movements,
> peoples movements, minorities, research institutions,
> governments, etc., as well as individuals.
> At the same time as this global movement must maintain
> the flat, decentralized and democratic grassroot structure
> with everybody's opportunity to initiate and organize a
> local or global common project, it also must have one
> common name and one ultimate goal.
> The umbrella name appropriately could be
> Obviously, no member should give up its  own name.
> In each and every name a unique and inventive initiative
> appropriate for the specific purpose and situation is laid
> down.
> In principle, each one of the recognized members will
> become a member of ALL of the other organisations, and
> in the future carry on its activities on behalf of ALL of
> the global movement.
> Support of this worldwide movement should be
> demonstrated by adding the bracket (MG!) after the name
> of the individual or organisation. In e-mails it might be
> inserted permanently after the sender name in the heading.
> As CIA will do everything to infiltrate, proof of active
> fighting in agreement with the common goal and thus
> being a safe partner in the movement, may be obtained
> upon recommandation by already recognized members
> in the state in question.
> The proof will be the inclusion in a world covering list of
> names of individuals and organisations on a website,
> from where everybody can download the names.
> A committee composed of well known organisations
> points out trustworthy civil society organisations in
> each state to be responsible for approval of future
> applications for such confirmed MG! membership.
> For each state an e-mail address is published whereto
> applications may be sent.
> Only NGOs that are not funded directly or indirectly in
> any way by the corporations or their supranational
> organisations or governments may apply.
> In countries with very oppressive regimes, the Internet
> correspondance will be encrypted, and the lists will only
> be published when sufficiently large numbers of MG! s
> have been approved.
> The common ultimate goal at the same time must be
> broad and concrete enough, clearly define the enemy
> and thus be phrased as follows:
> Transfer of the economic and political power from the
> transnational corporations, their mass media monopoly
> and their governments, to the peoples.
> The worldwide Mobilize Globally! movement will
> -  empower the total movement and its individual
>    members in their various activities and struggles
> -  focus on the superior common goal
> -  enhance all kinds of cooperation nationally and
>    internationally
> -  demonstrate our overwhelming strength when the
>    MG! symbol everywhere will catch the eye, and thus
> -  attract ever broader circles of people.
> Everybody interested, not least well-known organisations
> interested in forming part of the initial state committees,
> please contact us ASAP.
> Ecoterra Intl. (MG!)
> Indian Confederation of Indigenous and
> Tribal People, ICITP (MG!)
> Indigenous Movement (MG!)
> Insaaf International (MG!)
> Jubilee 2000 NY (MG!)
> Project Censored (MG!)
> Quantum Leap 2000 (MG!)
> /
> The Foundation for Ethics and Meaning (MG!)
> The United Peoples (MG!)
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