Louis Proyect wrote:

>This came up on another forum in the context of the Nader candidacy. After
>I pointed out that Nader's funding model precludes accountability, a rabid
>Nader defender shot back that Marx was funded in the same manner, alluding
>to his legacy, etc.
>This misses the point.
>If it were not for such support, Marx would have never been able to
>complete his research. Once the basic building blocks were put in place for
>a self-sustaining Marxism movement, no other working-class leaders ever
>depended on this kind of funding.

Marx was mainly a thinker and writer; Nader's a political figure and 
organizer. Marx really didn't have to be accountable to anyone, but 
Nader's organizations presume to represent the interest of "citizens" 
and "consumers."


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