On Tue, 20 Jun 2000, Louis Proyect wrote:

> However, I believe that Putin is not an anti-imperialist by any stretch of
> the imagination.

>From what I can tell, Putin is passing reactionary legislation that is
draconian in its reach.  Under his leadership, the Duma abolished the
progressive income tax in Russia in favor of a flat tax.  This move may be
justified as just addressing the reality of tax evasion but it is hardly a
challenge to capitalist authority of any kind.

MOre importantly, in May my Russian roommate (who is fan of Boris's
although is less favorable to the Chechens) translated for me some of the
provisions of the proposed new labor code.  From what I can tell, it would
essentially abolish every legal right workers have and severely disable
labor union rights.  I'd be curious if Boris had any comments on the
proposed labor code.

-- Nathan Newman

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