> . But I did mean to attack dogmatic Marxists, who of course will deny thatthey are 
>being dogmatic, but who respond to any criticism of Marx, engels, Lenin, and 
>sometimes Trotsky with a porcupine response,

I really don't understand something. You, Doug, others on this list are
forceful writers, well read, widely knowledgeable, quite capable of
carrying out a principled argument on most topics. So why then are you
so fucking lazy intellectually? Do you really need this crutch of the
myth of dogmatic marxism? Proposition X is true or false -- what
in the hell is added to an argument for or against it by tagging on
the label "sectarian" or "dogmatic"? It's pure intellectual slovenliness
on your part to be so dependent on labels.

On a number of issues I've fought with Lou until he was practically
gnawing the carpet -- and I've never needed this childish tactic
of calling him dogmatic.


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