I wasn't sure if Justin had earlier told Mine to hit the books.  His
language was ambiguous.  In any case, we are in trouble when one of us
becomes the subject of our conversations.  I have asked Mine to cool it,
and so far she has, except in this case where she may/may not have been
the offender.

In any case, this sniping as no place here.

> Once again, all I can say before I get on a 20 some hour flight with long
> connections just to catch some jass in Montreal is, wow Mine, you're so
> smart you can talk to Justin Schwartz like he's so dumb...wish I were that
> smart...
> Mine wrote: 
> I don't have time because I have sepent with this list more hours
> than I expected nowadays. why don't you "hit" the books dear Justin?

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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